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Siegor: I don't think it's age as much as physical condition and/or congenital problems. An average adult in his 30s could probably do it without any major health problems. It's still a stupid thing to do even if you're 18.
tinyE: I think we're missing the bigger point. :P It's not if someone can do it but rather should they do it? Between my addiction to chemicals, my addiction to gaming, and my lazy ass lifestyle I'm the last person who should be giving anyone advice on this sort of thing, but I can assure you after just two days I'd probably be thinking, "Hey, maybe I should stop for a bit." XD
That's what i meant with my last sentence. It's a dumb thing to do. I'd probably be bored out of my mind after a few hours.
tinyE: I think we're missing the bigger point. :P It's not if someone can do it but rather should they do it? Between my addiction to chemicals, my addiction to gaming, and my lazy ass lifestyle I'm the last person who should be giving anyone advice on this sort of thing, but I can assure you after just two days I'd probably be thinking, "Hey, maybe I should stop for a bit." XD
Siegor: That's what i meant with my last sentence. It's a dumb thing to do. I'd probably be bored out of my mind after a few hours.
Yeah I realize that now. :P Sorry about that.
Does anyone also find it odd that the only reported video game playing deaths all seem to occur in Taiwan and are initially reported by the Taipei Times? Makes me wonder if this is a hoax or government propaganda, but 4 deaths in 2 years seems like a lot.
RWarehall: Does anyone also find it odd that the only reported video game playing deaths all seem to occur in Taiwan and are initially reported by the Taipei Times? Makes me wonder if this is a hoax or government propaganda, but 4 deaths in 2 years seems like a lot.
"You know, several, you know, dozens of people spontaneously combust each year. It's just not really widely reported."
Siegor: I don't think it's age as much as physical condition and/or congenital problems. An average adult in his 30s could probably do it without any major health problems. It's still a stupid thing to do even if you're 18.
I have my doubts - an average adult in his 30s might be able to stay up for 48 hours but 72 hours? My guess is most will involuntarily fall asleep before too much harm is done.
36 hours is the most I can be up before I fall sleep for at least 12 hours. And even after 36 hours without sleep I start seeing weird stuff such as blob-like phantasm squirrels coming in and out of tree trunks so I really don't want to know what it's like after 72 hours.

Back in 2010, I could stay up for longer. I once didn't sleep for two nights and on the third day I flew to Japan which is a 10 hour flight and I even managed to make a painting before going to my hostel and falling into a deep sleep. On the next day, I felt fresh and had no jet lag or anything but I was basically up for 3 days before that and traveling/painting is a bit more taxing than just gaming. Nowadays, I wouldn't be able to do something as extreme even if I tried.

edit: I didn't really sleep on the plane either so that was basically 3 nights without sleep.
Post edited January 27, 2015 by awalterj
Roxolani: A video gamer in Taiwan
Stopped there. Same old story, not surprised.
Post edited January 27, 2015 by Dr_Worm
drealmer7: just play games standing instead of sitting
Nirth: That seems counter-productive. Why not just take breaks and sit in a chair while you play?
It's actually not bad at all. I have a standing desk, and pretty much spend all day at it, be it playing games or working. At first your legs get tired, but after awhile you get used to it.
Roxolani: A video gamer in Taiwan
Dr_Worm: Stopped there. Same old story, not surprised.
Now that you mentioned it, there was a very similar story a few years back. I wonder if it was also in Taiwan.
I find it curious all of those "sudden death" cases are only about Asians. It's atrocious people are unable to manage time properly or have the decency to give their brains and bodies a rest. I know the competitive scene is huge there, but take a break once in a while for f's sake!
Post edited January 27, 2015 by HijacK
If the story is true (some news sites repeating the story aren’t exactly known for fact checking) - apparently this wasn’t his first marathon. I don’t know why the staff didn’t toss him out like a pub would a drunk, you don’t just keep pouring the pints until a guy’s stomach literally bursts – that’s not good for business.

tinyE: I can assure you after just two days I'd probably be thinking, "Hey, maybe I should stop for a bit." XD
If your brain doesn't say it, your body sure will. His must've been crying out for the barest minimum of physical activity for days, and somehow he ignored all the warning signs.