hudfreegamer: Another one from Far Cry 3.
Crackpot.756: It is pretty.
Say, did your anti-HUD measures also get rid of all the infuriating pop-ups that keep reminding you of things that you're already aware of?
I found a reincarnation of Jesus once in Far Cry 3. A man walking on water (with HUD, though).
I also found a Tomb Raider water shot.
Yes. I installed 2 mods to get rid of everything.
Mod 1 completely removes the mini map but leaves the rest.
Mod 2 was submitted by someone else to my hud free gaming wiki. That lets you toggle almost the entire hud on/off (including the notifications) with a key press. When the hud is on, you see all that stuff. When you toggle it off, it's all made invisible.
I changed Mod 2 a little so that it would also disable the yellow highlight in the mini-map area that shows active mission boundaries while doing a mission. My change causes some weird glitches during loading screens, but is otherwise good.
Then I used the Camera to take the screenshots, which makes the gun invisible. The Mod 2 hud toggle hides all the junk that shows up when in camera mode).
You only really need Mod 2 to disable the hud, I just sometimes like to turn the hud on briefly and not have to see the mini map. Note: Mod 2 disables the hud, menu, and map screen. So, you do need to turn it on and off during the game to actually use the menu and see the large map. It starts off disabled, so you have to turn the hud on before you can see the menus.