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Does anyone know of this game, made by "Stone Arts Entertainment"? I cannot find it anywhere. I have it on a German "500 games CD", as shareware version, where some games are in English, some got translated to German. I think the game is in English originally since the intro says Stone Arts Entertainment, then Blood of Evil 2, Skarato's Revenge. Which would imply there's a first game too. But the menu & interface is completely in German. Then, the passwords for next levels 2 and 3 are Dragon & Bigant (because the end boss for level 2 is a dragon, while the one for level 3 is a big ant), so definitely English.

This is a side-scrolling game, you control the hero on the left, you have to kill both static enemies and ones that move toward you. Occasionally there is a flying enemy hurling arrows or bombs at you, all you can do is duck and side scroll more until the guy disappears. Only 3 levels were included with the shareware version, but as you can see in the attached image, it has more. Thanks for any suggestions!

That "500 games CD" is basically a compilation of old 90s games, relatively small ones as you can imagine. Has things like Exile Escape from the Pit, Exile 2 Crystal Souls.
Post edited March 11, 2018 by kaletan
This question / problem has been solved by drmikeimage
To be honest, to me that looks like a game made by a single person with the help of a game creator like Klik & Play or Games Factory which were quite popular in the 90's and didn't require any knowledge in coding. The fact that googling the company name doesn't bring up any results supports my suspicion that it might have been just one guy inventing it for his hobbyist project. The vampire sprite also looks vaguely familiar to me, I wouldn't be surprised if it's part of a game creator package or "borrowed" from some other game. Can you still play the game on your rig? Does it run on DOS or Windows? If it's a shareware game, does it say where you'd get the rest of the levels? Usually some contact address is displayed on quitting the game?
Post edited March 11, 2018 by Leroux
edit: Hold on. Just found it

reedit: I;m not getting anywhere with it.

It's on the old Cream of the Crop 20 CD which you can find here:

It's the file. All the included text files just state the name of the game.

It won't install on my Windows 10 laptop.

I fired up the hex editor but the only thing in plain text is German install instructions.

Post edited March 11, 2018 by drmike
drmike: edit: Hold on. Just found it

reedit: I;m not getting anywhere with it.

It's on the old Cream of the Crop 20 CD which you can find here:

It's the file. All the included text files just state the name of the game.

It won't install on my Windows 10 laptop.

I fired up the hex editor but the only thing in plain text is German install instructions.

Thanks a lot! Sorry for the late reply, I was away, this is from my mobile with fresh device & code etc. Yes it was a Klik&Play game, it says that in German. I have it installed in a Win XP virtual machine with my xp pro license from msdnaa. I would have provided a translation of how and where it tells you to buy the full version from but now that you have it, what's the point. I'll confirm the resolution as soon as I can.

How on earth did you come up with that link if you don't mind my asking. I found similar ones for Battles in a Distant Desert and Battles in a Distant Planet but simply because I knew the name of a map/scenario from the second one, called A Night on Rangor
Post edited March 11, 2018 by kaletan
kaletan: Thanks a lot! Sorry for the late reply, I was away, this is from my mobile with fresh device & code etc. Yes it was a Klik&Play game, it says that in German. I have it installed in a Win XP virtual machine with my xp pro license from msdnaa. I would have provided a translation of how and where it tells you to buy the full version from but now that you have it, what's the point. I'll confirm the resolution as soon as I can.
Well maybe someone here who speaks German and has an older OS can give it a try and see if they see anything.

edit: K&P appears to have been made by Maxis? Maybe contact them and see if they have a record?
Post edited March 11, 2018 by drmike
Don't sweat it, in 30 mins or tomorrow I should have the answer myself
Thanks to drmike i was able to download and install the game.
It just took a dosbox with win 3.1 to get the shareware running.

The game is registered to a
Martin Kevin Steinmetz @95/96

You could oder the unlock code for 20DM back in the
days from the company

Stone Arts
Eichendorferstraase 6
34289 Zierenberg

I would safely asume try looking up this Steinmetz on twitter/fb
and ask him for this old game i don't think it sold more than a dozend times.
Thanks for all the help, I noticed that it's the same shareware version. I'll see what I can do, I don't want to be a burden on you. Just tying up some loose ends.
Dreaganos: Thanks to drmike i was able to download and install the game.
It just took a dosbox with win 3.1 to get the shareware running.

The game is registered to a
Martin Kevin Steinmetz @95/96

You could oder the unlock code for 20DM back in the
days from the company

Stone Arts
Eichendorferstraase 6
34289 Zierenberg

I would safely asume try looking up this Steinmetz on twitter/fb
and ask him for this old game i don't think it sold more than a dozend times.
Win 3.1 even, very nice. I have that XP virtual machine for all the old goodies.
Post edited March 11, 2018 by kaletan

Note the email address along the left :)

He stayed in software after all this time.

edit: Normally this is when I would go and fire off an email asking about all this and pointing the person to this thread but for some reason, the three times I've done it here, folks have gotten mad at me. (I work for a webhosting company that caters to soccer moms and this isn't the first time I've done this.) I'll let you fire off the email if you want.

reedit: Email sent with a link to this thread.
Post edited March 11, 2018 by drmike
kaletan: *snip*
Bad news I;m afraid:

Hello Mike,

thanks for your mail.

What can I say - the game Blood Of Evil 2 has been created by me - but this is a lot of years ago and unfortunately I no longer have the game
in the full version, also the source code is lost to me. There was a first part of the game - but it was never released. The game was always
completely in German, there was no English version. Really unbelievable that after so many years, someone is still looking for this game, I
myself totally forgot it. Sorry that I can not help you there.

PS: Stone Arts / Entertainment has not existed for years. the company stone arts consult - software solution is a company of my father - I
myself am active in the film industry.

Best regards,
Martin Steinmetz
Post edited March 12, 2018 by drmike
Well, what can you do, thanks for trying. When you say "You could oder the unlock code", I don't see any place to enter a code, neither in my version nor the one you provided. So you had to get the full game itself when ordering, right?

I hope you enjoy playing the 3 levels you get, it's quite entertaining. Btw, do you happen to know of a site where people reliably identify movies like they do games here? Something like a :"Good Old Movies?". Because Reddit isn't as reliable, and movies.stackexchange gave up on supporting "ID this movie" type of questions.
Post edited March 12, 2018 by kaletan
Yeah sorry that was my bad i thought it was a game where you type in
the code to unlock the full version.
So yeah you got the game on CD when registering the game.
kaletan: *snip*
drmike: Bad news I;m afraid:

Hello Mike,

thanks for your mail.

What can I say - the game Blood Of Evil 2 has been created by me - but this is a lot of years ago and unfortunately I no longer have the game
in the full version, also the source code is lost to me. There was a first part of the game - but it was never released. The game was always
completely in German, there was no English version. Really unbelievable that after so many years, someone is still looking for this game, I
myself totally forgot it. Sorry that I can not help you there.

PS: Stone Arts / Entertainment has not existed for years. the company stone arts consult - software solution is a company of my father - I
myself am active in the film industry.

Best regards,
Martin Steinmetz
I'm not even mad, that's amazing. I probably would have come off weird/stalkerish by saying "hey I was going through old stuff and I was wondering if you still have this game". I was at a friend's house and only sporadically checking the thread on my phone so I missed when you said, "do you want me to contact him?"
drmike: Bad news I;m afraid:
I think you gave that Martin Steinmetz a really warm feeling there... :-)
drmike: Bad news I;m afraid:
toxicTom: I think you gave that Martin Steinmetz a really warm feeling there... :-)
Hopefully. Gotta admit that I've gotten Cease and Desist orders a couple of times over the years.

Folks some times want to forget what they did decades ago.

The idea of hacking out a code comes to mind (Just as a reminder, I came up thru hacking and code generation) but I think I;m going to let this one alone.

edit: I reported an issue with an old science fiction author from the 70 and 80's website a few years ago. Turned out he had gone thru a divorce, the wife had gotten everything and probably out of spite pulled all rights and to this day still sits on her ex husband's works outside of a single page sitting on the web listing his written works.
Post edited March 15, 2018 by drmike