.Ra: What are your thoughts on this?
Magnitus: I think its a non-issue, because if GOG went out of business, 10-20 years from now, a compatibility layer for old versions of Windows like Wine might become your best bet to run those aging installers which I assume would not implement stringent security measures that block certain dlls.
Honestly, the moment that GOG is no longer slaving away trying to keep their installers (those that the game devs are not maintaining themselves anyways) up to date with recent versions of Windows will be the moment I start looking at my options to fixate a working setup.
Gudadantza: Oh, come on.
"Perhaps people wouldn't be "anti-achievement" if it wasn't for the fact that for you to have this completely worthless feature we had to get a client"
Magnitus: At this point, anything they stuff into Galaxy makes me uneasy, because it make break the offline installers (they don't seem to validate those as well as the Galaxy ones) or otherwise justify putting more of the game's content "online only".
At the very least, achievements force them to put in some security which by definition restricts usage in certain ways (and that is likely to leak into the offline installers in order to keep the code delta low for the offline version). If the achievements weren't there, that security would not be required.
Months ago an user complained about the lack of achievement in a game and I answered that it was not accurate, becuse the game offered achievements in game. He explained that he meant about the lack of "Galaxy" achievements.
In the majority of the cases people who wants achievements do mean about public achievements. Those kind of online trophies that are available to be shown for friends etc and that is managed under Galaxy or other clients.
My personal opinion about achievements is irrelevant, What I mean is that your point of view is so restrictive and overprotective that I am surprised about how some of you dare to be connected to post in a forum for fear to possible security breaches or things like that. Or if you do some kind of debug and temporal quarantine in any game you install because nobody is able to know what is being installed in this app. Or if you are aware about the potential danger of using you money in internet in hypothetical cases.
I think that you are pushing things too far.
Now even the offline installers are suspicious because of a dll only active when you use a client you do not have installed?