wy4786: I've come to realise I just love playing barbarians!
Which RPGs have really fun barbarians ?
So far I've enjoyed NWN and Icewind dale.
XYCat: You can go for Neverwinter nights 2 or Morrowind.
You can also play Temple of elemental evil but that one is kinda hard.
If you mean playing a dude swinging massive weapons then you can also try Divinity 2. You're not exactly a barbarian but you can adjust your character in a lot of ways (and you get to turn into a dragon too).
If you want something more actiony then there's Blade of darkness (which got pulled from the gog catalogue, sadly, so you can't download it from here unless you bought it when it was still available on gog) or Fable (which is more of a cartoony fairytale though and it's not on gog at all.
Now that I think about it, I never really liked barbarians in any true RPGs because you are always sacrificing charisma and intellect for brawn which really limits your interaction and in some games can even cancel out some quests. I suppose you can counter this in Icewind because you have a group, but in the NWN you really are handicapped.
In crawlers like Diablo, Sacred, and Torchlight being a big strong moron doesn't really change how the game unfolds.