Hooyaah: I will likely add you to my list as soon as I see that you have at least one game in your "library."
Add me to this as well. :)
falloutttt: careful Gogers. he could be a bot. there have been an invasion of them of late.
don't accept candy from strangers! (old saying)
don't click on any links sent from unknown people! (new saying)
All fair points, but he doesn't seem to have any advertising of any sort on his profile(Like most spammers and scammers do), and also merely adding someone to one's friend list is fine as long as one doesn't click any random links they offer. :)
David9855: I don't use gog as 'social media' but I have enjoyed the postings of many a good forum member and user reviews around the place and have participated.
Tbf/tbh i'd rather use gog PMs as "social media" as people here are usually much more civil and pleasant than on regular social media. :)
Mastur_Master: friends is goooooooood! (^_^)
Nice song choice. :)