Posted June 24, 2016
Found this on reddit.
This way, you get your free win10, without having to actually lose your win7/8/8.1 etc.
Handy for those that need earlier systems to run things that can`t on windoze10 or for lack of trusting the newer OS.
Also means you don`t have to pay once is does stop being free.
Good for when you upgrade hardware (gfx cards etc) & need the newer OS in the future.
1) Boot from windows 10 usb installation stick (on pc with 7 or 8)
2) select language etc. and get to install now screen
3) Press shift+f10 to get to command prompt
4) type following commands
md vhd
create vdisk file=c:\vhd\win10.vhd maximum=32000 type=fixed
select vdisk file=c:\vhd\win10.vhd
attach vdisk
3) then click install now, select custom install and install to the newly created virtual drive and use 7/8 key to activate.
This will create a dual boot menu to old OS and new vhd.
To remove windows 10, run msconfig, select boot tab and delete windows 10 boot entry, then delete vhd.
This way, you get your free win10, without having to actually lose your win7/8/8.1 etc.
Handy for those that need earlier systems to run things that can`t on windoze10 or for lack of trusting the newer OS.
Also means you don`t have to pay once is does stop being free.
Good for when you upgrade hardware (gfx cards etc) & need the newer OS in the future.
1) Boot from windows 10 usb installation stick (on pc with 7 or 8)
2) select language etc. and get to install now screen
3) Press shift+f10 to get to command prompt
4) type following commands
md vhd
create vdisk file=c:\vhd\win10.vhd maximum=32000 type=fixed
select vdisk file=c:\vhd\win10.vhd
attach vdisk
3) then click install now, select custom install and install to the newly created virtual drive and use 7/8 key to activate.
This will create a dual boot menu to old OS and new vhd.
To remove windows 10, run msconfig, select boot tab and delete windows 10 boot entry, then delete vhd.