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That's odd, because it's precisely because of the level design that I lost interest in Dark Forces. Aside from that I thought it was good fun.

GOG games:
Jedi Knight DF2 - has vastly superior level design.
Duke Nukem 3D - OK so the first level is the best. But the rest are still pretty damn fine.
Blood - arguably better in most areas than DN3D, one of which being level design.
Quake 3 Arena - Still some of the stand out best deathmatch arenas of any game.
AvP 2000 - the random enemy placement and ability to play through as the ceiling-scuttling Alien does add a whole other dimension to these levels.
Stalker Call of Pripyat - and the other Stalkers. The furthest thing from a corridor shooter. Wide open areas with some intricate details to explore.
Metro 2033 & Last Light - OK, so they're a bit more corridor shootery, but the level design is still damn fine.
FEAR - environments are definitely bland. But the layout is pretty solid.
Rise of the Triad 2013 - manages to be better than the 90s version across the board. Kind of sad that's an achievement, but there you go.

Other games:
Fenixp has a pretty good list of these already. I'll add:

Alien Isolation - OK, so shooting is usually completely the wrong thing to do. But the level design is very solid.
Mirror's Edge - Again, shooting seems ill advised. But level design is as tight as it gets.
FEAR,Chronicles of Riddick,bothe the Metro games,Quake,Duke Nukem 3D,Rise of the Triad(both versions)
l0rdtr3k: FEAR
Really? To me, what I remember from the maps was that the corridor split in two directions, and that I deducted that one of them must be the blind one with some powerups, which I of course wanted to get. But I couldn't figure out which, so I tried one, but since this one continued on, I had to go back and into the other one to pick up my damn powerup.

That said, FEAR is a really solid shooter - I loved the J-horror inspiration, and even though I had to play it at the lowest graphic settings, it scared me plenty!