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tfishell: It's interesting that you showed up. Why in this thread specifically?
I find it interesting that you've showed up too. Hai!

Not that there should be any need to justify myself, being a regular GOG customer/forum user for the past 8 years ... but I've been targeted by these voting bots myself and am blocked from certain forum functions by virtue of having an invisible negative rep. So, I feel I've got some 'skin in the game' on this one.
Yes, downvoting is still possible, as i get downvoted all the time myself... reason why i can not use many of the forum functions anymore. Dont ask me how its done and "who is doing it"... but in general, as long as there is a certain signature any user could become the target.
^ ^ ^
I've always thought that the sole consequence of having a negative rep is the inability to post links.
Is there truly more than that?
I dont know because there is no transparency regarding this matter. Surely, this function along with a forum barely "fixed" is not a good combo.
fva_: In the past, it might have been easier for GOG to overlook the misuse of the reputation system because users were partially responsible. But now that downvoting is officially disabled, there are no excuses. It is necessarily GOG's fault that users are being targeted due to a hole in its system. So, if GOG's moral isn't too flexible, we have a chance to get a fix.
You are making an assumption there.

In truth, we don't know who is doing the downvoting. It could be one person, could be a group, could be many, could be some kind of corporation, trying to sow dissatisfaction with GOG or who just like to sow disharmony for childish kicks. It could be connected to the spam we get here or not.

All it takes is a simple script, that is based on user ID or name. You might even be able to target everyone in a thread, as many of us have certainly seen and experienced. You could also use a script to trawl the forum sections. It wouldn't be hard to do that for those who know how.

GOG I suspect, were hoping that if the botters could not see the result of their downvoting, that they would give up, but alas that appears to not be true.

GOG have had plenty of time, to really address the issue, but haven't despite all the complaints I am sure they still continually get. Of course they get those complaints, because users themselves can still see their rep going down.

GOG, at least to me, have just brushed the downvoting off as not being important, not really having any impact on anyone.

Many of us have suspicions that GOG might use the issue to eventually shut the forums down one day.
Post edited September 28, 2023 by Timboli
fva_: Take my account, which is quite recent, as an example. After a few days posting in the forums, my reputation became negative and, since then, continues to decrease. I literally get -1 rep for each and every post I make.
fva_: Questions and Answers (2023-09-28):

Q1: How can you know so much about GOG's past if your account is so recent?
A1: In the same way a historian knows about the 1800s without being 200 years old: I did my homework. After I figured I was being downvoted, I searched the web for info about GOG's forums to help me understand what was going on. And the best pieces of info came exactly from posts here in the forums.

Q2: Do you have lots of alt accounts?
A2: No, I don't. All accusations against me throughout this thread are plainly false.

Q3: Why did you create this thread after all?
A3: To encourage other users to report similar cases. Additional reports, along with the generated discussion, could attract the attention of GOG staff members and, perhaps, a fix for the downvoting issue could come out as a result.
Please also add a list of your posts.
Clickbait title with unbelievable story. The QA doesn't change much. It actually makes it worse...
tfishell: I wish people would stop creating alts and just post what they have to say on their original account; personally, I'm not going to listen otherwise.
Yep, I am certainly against having multiple accounts, which is against the rules last I looked. That said, I do understand that some folk have a reasonable reason for it, and some just plainly don't bother to read the rules, so don't know or have forgotten.

tfishell: Like, why and how would a brand new account post or know about what was said in u/fva_'s original post?
Briefly I thought the same, but anyone concerned about the issue, especially a new member, that has heard they cannot post links because some bot has been downvoting them, could then look into it, and we have plenty of threads here about downvoting. They also seem ignorant of some of the known facts, which could be explained by a quick perusal.

In any case, I decided to address the meat of the issue, and not make judgments without enough facts.

fva_ has been responding like a person and not a bot. So even if they do have more than one account, that doesn't necessarily make them evil ... unless of course you have the mind of a pretend policeman.
Post edited September 28, 2023 by foad01
Breja: How exactly do you know they all belong to the OP?
foad01: I have send you a message via chat.
Okay Mr Smartarse Motormouth.

Why cannot you show us the proof you think you have?
foad01: fva_

Is 7_8 another one?
Are the others similar to that?
And if so, what does that actually mean?
Are you trying to discredit fva_, like you tried to discredit me a while back?
foad01: I think everyone here can see now what is going on.
Everyone except you maybe.
Post edited September 28, 2023 by Timboli
I could but I won't post it here because it would probably be against the CoC to post everything.

The only "coincidence" here is that the Sharpest Tool On Shelf who was actually caught and moderated with interesting threads by Laupa2021, knows about a working scripts and has knowledge to create these scripts is posting in another of these threads.
Don't feed the trolls. Either OP or the others.
Am I the only one concerned about Breja's sudden disappearance since he received a secret message? It's a joke of course or IS it? ;-)
foad01: Clickbait title with unbelievable story. The QA doesn't change much. It actually makes it worse...
Put your proof where your mouth is.
lupineshadow: Don't feed the trolls. Either OP or the others.
You are probably right.