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foad01: Yes, it is very obvious what you are trying to do.
Yes it is .... I'm trying to shut you up .... no surprises there. ;)

P.S. And it appears to be working, because you are refusing to answer perfectly legit questions.

P.S.S. So it is very obvious what you are trying to do. LOL
Post edited September 28, 2023 by Timboli
I am not refusing to answer these questions. You are involved and part of the problem. It is fascinating that you are targeting someone who is trying to find out what is actually going on.

I also won't shut up.
Post edited September 28, 2023 by foad01
Okay, I'm out of here.

I've said all I really need to, and I am quite happy for other folk to make up their minds.

We really know who you are foad01 ... of that there can be no doubt.
lupineshadow: Don't feed the trolls. Either OP or the others.
You were right and I should have listened.
This still happens? If I wasn't already employed, I'd walk over to Poland and demand they employ me for free just so I could fix it myself. It wouldn't even require writing any code - just deleting some.

Xeshra: any user could become the target.
Mind sharing what causes a user to be targetted? I feel that there's a certain amount of street cred from having someone care so much about what you say that they write a bot just to follow every post you make.
Post edited September 28, 2023 by UsernameTaken2 This is proof enough for me. I don't really care, but this kind of behavior is very childish and rather disturbing. Seems Timboli is a little full of a lot full of shit... to be honest. Most people here are...but thanks for confirming. I mean wow....lame as lame can get. Gimme my rep. or, i'll cry and talk to myself as another user. lol Don't get me wrong, you're a lame-ass mofo too, Foad...but you at least exposed another turd. I mean lame lame lame. lol should be ashamed for being so...well, pathetic and lame. Sharpest tool on the shelf? Well, I guess your mind must have been so sharp you messed around and cut your own head off. Kudos! lol
Post edited September 29, 2023 by DemonKiller49
Jeez, I tried reading this thread but quickly ran out of popcorn, contact Orville Redenbacher about getting some more, and he read this thread and said there wasn't enough popcorn in the world for this thread.

Not sure if he was being hyperbolic or not.
Well, it seems that foad01 might have finally derailed this thread into oblivion. The thread isn't locked, but it is no longer being bumped (this post, at least, didn't bump it). I can't say for sure what is going on, though, as I haven't been contacted by any moderator about this.
Post edited October 01, 2023 by fva_