Posted June 05, 2020

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted June 05, 2020
PREPOST EDIT - okay not feeling good about what I've written here but it is my natural anxiety about the way what I say will be recieved. I should trust you guys more but I panic. I'm gonna post it because it's important, but also worry about it for the next 6 hours at least. Here we go.
We've still not heard Cadaver's take on the situation, and we haven't done anything to invite Cadaver into the conversation. With that in mind, the term rape jokes, whether accurate or not, may be antagonistic or hurtful.
I'm a bit ashamed that I have stayed removed from the event and the conversation about it as I have. I was upset by the things Cadaver wrote, and I wasn't sure how to address them in a way that would be productive. I used the fact that there was a game going which nessecitated a degree of impartiality from me as an excuse to remain distant.
So, I think it may be helpful to try and break down what was upsetting about the jokes Cadaver made, making an attempt to talk about it with Cadaver, rather than talking about Cadaver.
The description was of a(n implicitly young) woman being theatened with having her clothers forcibly removed in an explicitly sexual way, and after the threat had been responded to, being slapped hard on the bare behind.
I'm gonna link to the relevant posts for the purposes of clarity.
initial threat
Pooka's response
description of violence
Reading them it is clear that the intention is playful, and Pooka is not meant to feel threatened. The issue is that this was a description of an unprovoked sexual threat and violence.
- pooka's response is playing along; there is an implicit consent, does this make it okay?
No: Implicit consent is dangerous waters, there should be mutual trust and agreement that is not seen between these two characters, but that's getting onto a different discussion: Pooka doesn't have the right to decide what is acceptable behaviour in general.
-so why is this about women and men in general, and not the characters Pookie Mustard and Cadaver Slim?
1 - the only apparent justification for this approach was Pooka's female identity. Pooka's not recieved threats of violence, sexual or otherwise, playful or otherwise, in any game where he has had a male role.
2 - violence against women and sexual violence is a common injustice across the globe, and one that is often ignored, or seen as normal. As an isolated incident, this behaviour between two equal adults isn't necessarily problematic, but in the context of an ongoing trend of violence and disrespect for women and alongside the common perception that a woman doesn't have ownership of her own body, then it becomes an image that should not go unchallenged.
^ This is my personal response. I'm not speaking on behalf anyone else. I've struggled a lot to put this into words and I'm not very satisfied with what I've got, but I think it goes some way to identifying an issue. Sorry for the sort of rambling approach.
Cadaver, I've pinged you here because there's a discussion going on and I want you to feel that you have a place in this discussion. Most of all I want you to feel that you aren't being treated unfairly, and that you are being given the opportunity to be heard.
We've still not heard Cadaver's take on the situation, and we haven't done anything to invite Cadaver into the conversation. With that in mind, the term rape jokes, whether accurate or not, may be antagonistic or hurtful.
I'm a bit ashamed that I have stayed removed from the event and the conversation about it as I have. I was upset by the things Cadaver wrote, and I wasn't sure how to address them in a way that would be productive. I used the fact that there was a game going which nessecitated a degree of impartiality from me as an excuse to remain distant.
So, I think it may be helpful to try and break down what was upsetting about the jokes Cadaver made, making an attempt to talk about it with Cadaver, rather than talking about Cadaver.
The description was of a(n implicitly young) woman being theatened with having her clothers forcibly removed in an explicitly sexual way, and after the threat had been responded to, being slapped hard on the bare behind.
I'm gonna link to the relevant posts for the purposes of clarity.
initial threat
Pooka's response
description of violence
Reading them it is clear that the intention is playful, and Pooka is not meant to feel threatened. The issue is that this was a description of an unprovoked sexual threat and violence.
- pooka's response is playing along; there is an implicit consent, does this make it okay?
No: Implicit consent is dangerous waters, there should be mutual trust and agreement that is not seen between these two characters, but that's getting onto a different discussion: Pooka doesn't have the right to decide what is acceptable behaviour in general.
-so why is this about women and men in general, and not the characters Pookie Mustard and Cadaver Slim?
1 - the only apparent justification for this approach was Pooka's female identity. Pooka's not recieved threats of violence, sexual or otherwise, playful or otherwise, in any game where he has had a male role.
2 - violence against women and sexual violence is a common injustice across the globe, and one that is often ignored, or seen as normal. As an isolated incident, this behaviour between two equal adults isn't necessarily problematic, but in the context of an ongoing trend of violence and disrespect for women and alongside the common perception that a woman doesn't have ownership of her own body, then it becomes an image that should not go unchallenged.
^ This is my personal response. I'm not speaking on behalf anyone else. I've struggled a lot to put this into words and I'm not very satisfied with what I've got, but I think it goes some way to identifying an issue. Sorry for the sort of rambling approach.
Cadaver, I've pinged you here because there's a discussion going on and I want you to feel that you have a place in this discussion. Most of all I want you to feel that you aren't being treated unfairly, and that you are being given the opportunity to be heard.

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom

Registered: Mar 2009
From Russian Federation
Posted June 05, 2020
Dear All!
Carradice is right: I ruined the atmosphere, but maybe not since my first entry in Stanley Hotel. Just in case it's not an irony or a sarcasm.
That joke in last GOG Mafia game was out of place, and it was not funny even, but it wasn't supposed to be funny. For some reason I can't seem to understand how it's a *rape joke*, there was no intercourse involved, enuendo maybe, spanking was definitely present as a *punishment* for hard anti-town move.
I also disagree with strong implication made that I was being aroused by that and that I have ignored lonzi's *WTF* post. Because a) no, I wasn't aroused by that at all (and I can elaborate on it needed be) and b) I have not ignored it and even stated that crossing the line is out of the question meaning I know when to stop, because I consider myself an adult and moderately well educated person with considerable level of intelligence (not a complete dumb if you will).
As for the violence, I'm against violence vs both males and females, and transgender persons. I'm also against violence towards animals and even some plants. And for some reason I think that many of us don't really understand the conception of violence. That joke was explicit but it was not violent in any way in my opinion.
Here is a documentary on what violence truly is (warning, age restricted):
But to make matters better for everyone (or worse for some) I voluntarily banish myself from GOG Mafia games for a year, till 4th of June 2021.
I even asked a fellow GOG staff member to block me from forums for a month and he agreed to it upon my request which I'm to make right after that post.
I know it'll look childish or even hysterical but in end it will benefit all parties involved.
That last game was different because I was on edge (I had my reasons) but it can't justify my actions in any way.
Till next time and thank you for your kindness (again, no sarcasm).
I suggest we close this topic, nothing will change what had happened.
Best regards,
Cadaver von Mandersch
Carradice is right: I ruined the atmosphere, but maybe not since my first entry in Stanley Hotel. Just in case it's not an irony or a sarcasm.
That joke in last GOG Mafia game was out of place, and it was not funny even, but it wasn't supposed to be funny. For some reason I can't seem to understand how it's a *rape joke*, there was no intercourse involved, enuendo maybe, spanking was definitely present as a *punishment* for hard anti-town move.
I also disagree with strong implication made that I was being aroused by that and that I have ignored lonzi's *WTF* post. Because a) no, I wasn't aroused by that at all (and I can elaborate on it needed be) and b) I have not ignored it and even stated that crossing the line is out of the question meaning I know when to stop, because I consider myself an adult and moderately well educated person with considerable level of intelligence (not a complete dumb if you will).
As for the violence, I'm against violence vs both males and females, and transgender persons. I'm also against violence towards animals and even some plants. And for some reason I think that many of us don't really understand the conception of violence. That joke was explicit but it was not violent in any way in my opinion.
Here is a documentary on what violence truly is (warning, age restricted):
But to make matters better for everyone (or worse for some) I voluntarily banish myself from GOG Mafia games for a year, till 4th of June 2021.
I even asked a fellow GOG staff member to block me from forums for a month and he agreed to it upon my request which I'm to make right after that post.
I know it'll look childish or even hysterical but in end it will benefit all parties involved.
That last game was different because I was on edge (I had my reasons) but it can't justify my actions in any way.
Till next time and thank you for your kindness (again, no sarcasm).
I suggest we close this topic, nothing will change what had happened.
Best regards,
Cadaver von Mandersch

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted June 05, 2020
Why am I pinged?
Am I supposed to opine on the butt-spanking silliness above?
Am I supposed to opine on the butt-spanking silliness above?
Post edited June 05, 2020 by yogsloth

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted June 05, 2020
Pookina: I take it you're not playing?
It was a second attempt at this failed ping. Sign up for the new game!

It was a second attempt at this failed ping. Sign up for the new game!

Registered: Jun 2013
From Other

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted June 05, 2020
The spanking jokes were cringy, but I think you guys are making a bigger deal out of it than it is. Regardless, this would have been better handled over private message rather than shaming him in public.

Registered: Mar 2013
From Spain
Posted June 05, 2020

Trent is back. You might join as well. Now or eventually.
Post edited June 05, 2020 by Carradice

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted June 05, 2020

I even asked a fellow GOG staff member to block me from forums for a month and he agreed to it upon my request which I'm to make right after that post.

Registered: Mar 2013
From Spain
Posted June 05, 2020
Some selling points for the Pooka's game:
Edit: moved to the signup thread proper.
Edit: moved to the signup thread proper.
Post edited June 05, 2020 by Carradice

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted June 05, 2020

I even asked a fellow GOG staff member to block me from forums for a month and he agreed to it upon my request which I'm to make right after that post.
I know it'll look childish or even hysterical but in end it will benefit all parties involved.
That last game was different because I was on edge (I had my reasons) but it can't justify my actions in any way.
Till next time and thank you for your kindness (again, no sarcasm).

Registered: Mar 2013
From Spain