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NotFrenchYet: Sign up thread text ready to go when the setup is cleared for launch... :D

.. what impatient, me? Mais non, voyons...
You know, you don't have to wait until it's review with sign ups. They can be open for week. It shouldn't hurt anything. :-)
NotFrenchYet: Sign up thread text ready to go when the setup is cleared for launch... :D

.. what impatient, me? Mais non, voyons...

Sign up thread created!
Post edited November 07, 2012 by NotFrenchYet
OP updated already?! Wow, the GOGfather can move fast when he wants! :D
NotFrenchYet: OP updated already?! Wow, the GOGfather can move fast when he wants! :D
He's like freaking ninja, isn't he? We all should praise him. Even mighty Anubis. >_>
psst. Hey! is it nearly time? I think it might be nearly time.

And while we are between games I have a proposition regarding our mafia rules.
It may not seem fair but I think it would be beneficial for all mafia players if the word limit on a single contribution to a game was reduced from 10 A4 pages, to less than one page of A4.
I think anything worth saying in a mafia game can be said in 700 words.

Proposed Forum-Wide Enforcable rule: No single contribution is permitted to contain more than 700 words.

Any Questions?

I would like to discuss with everyone the new Learning By Mistaking Initiative, which is dedicated to turning the GOG forum mafia community into excellent mafia players. More on that later.
I just checked the OP again, and it seems not counting poor game 6, Town have won 6 times, and the Mafia/Mafia faction have won 6 times... With a new game on the horizon this has to tip one way or the other...

I'm not sure about word limits, myself... Admittedly it's a lot of work to read walls of text, and I'd definitely discourage people from going overboard, but for me this is playstyle, and I'm not sure playstyles is something we should be regulating. After all, the infamous "10-A4 pages" issue was because he was 3rd party, right?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sed lorem et nibh blandit tempor. Pellentesque aliquam varius ultrices. Sed in odio justo, sit amet fringilla dolor. Nunc sit amet dolor tortor, at lobortis elit. Nullam id urna eu ante lobortis dignissim a ac odio. Proin tincidunt felis at felis venenatis aliquam. Aenean porttitor ante sit amet urna bibendum mollis sed quis mi. Vestibulum accumsan auctor massa laoreet dignissim. Suspendisse potenti. Proin non eros id urna cursus feugiat. Aenean non risus augue.
Duis euismod eleifend aliquam. Donec quis dui vitae ligula faucibus aliquet. Nam erat ligula, porttitor ac malesuada sed, dapibus in leo. Sed diam ipsum, bibendum id volutpat a, rutrum vel lacus. Donec mauris nisl, tristique id egestas sit amet, faucibus eu nunc. Sed vestibulum sapien tempus justo egestas a scelerisque metus dignissim. Ut quis nisl dui, et elementum lorem. Nunc sit amet dictum eros. Proin pellentesque dictum eleifend. Mauris tellus tortor, tempus id pharetra ut, fringilla vel nulla. Morbi aliquet sodales augue vitae imperdiet.

Mauris ut lacinia nibh. Praesent ultrices convallis quam sit amet consequat. Maecenas ut ligula urna, eget rhoncus leo. Ut vel velit tellus. Sed accumsan purus et justo suscipit eget consequat nibh rhoncus. Ut libero mauris, laoreet ut ornare sit amet, scelerisque vel ligula. Pellentesque ultrices nibh non tellus pellentesque et convallis nulla tristique. Nunc sagittis pharetra ipsum vel pulvinar. Fusce lobortis, arcu pulvinar malesuada condimentum, est eros fringilla dolor, in dapibus ipsum tortor ultricies nunc. Etiam dapibus orci id urna convallis condimentum. Nullam nec vestibulum velit. Integer lobortis interdum pretium. Nulla pulvinar, tortor vitae tempus consectetur, quam quam egestas arcu, a venenatis orci erat non libero. Sed lorem risus, facilisis quis convallis sit amet, consequat posuere neque. Duis lacinia facilisis iaculis.

In imperdiet hendrerit condimentum. Nunc lacinia nisl quis lectus egestas elementum venenatis felis feugiat. Quisque ornare, dolor at cursus pulvinar, massa ligula fringilla felis, sit amet lacinia dui enim ut orci. Nulla facilisi. Donec eget dui vel enim iaculis molestie id ut diam. Duis porta bibendum odio, vitae sagittis nulla varius ut. Mauris nec faucibus tellus. Quisque placerat dictum nibh, quis posuere lectus tincidunt sed. Maecenas erat metus, rutrum a posuere non, convallis a arcu. Fusce sed est quam. In et turpis sit amet velit scelerisque pharetra sed in leo. Donec a nisi nisi, vel feugiat arcu. Morbi non porttitor dolor. Nunc rutrum elementum dui, non lacinia lacus faucibus quis.

Aenean venenatis adipiscing sapien posuere suscipit. Sed pulvinar tortor nec felis pulvinar posuere. Nullam laoreet magna quis ligula tempor nec sodales purus euismod. Sed nec ipsum eget leo rhoncus aliquam eget eget libero. Maecenas at sapien id eros egestas condimentum. Duis vitae ipsum in lectus accumsan volutpat. Phasellus vel augue mauris. Donec varius ultrices sem sit amet tempus. Sed dui arcu, pharetra ut dapibus sed, rutrum commodo urna. Nullam eleifend sollicitudin diam ut feugiat. Sed in felis vitae tellus tempus tincidunt. In cursus tempus est in interdum. Donec ac luctus elit. Fusce ultricies condimentum lacinia. Nunc gravida fermentum ante, eu sollicitudin tellus pretium sagittis.

Cras vehicula est a diam semper at pretium odio commodo. Aenean accumsan feugiat bibendum. Phasellus nec elit odio. Nam in risus risus. Proin feugiat sollicitudin rhoncus. Cras aliquet convallis ligula id interdum. Nam auctor lorem sed sapien posuere porta vestibulum eros tristique. Suspendisse sit amet sapien at arcu dictum sodales at pretium lorem. Suspendisse commodo, diam eu facilisis rhoncus, enim odio tincidunt eros, rutrum vestibulum mauris nisi quis nisi.

Nam ligula massa, accumsan sit amet eleifend vitae, lobortis in velit. Nullam ac ultrices augue. Ut venenatis rutrum neque sed sagittis. Cras vestibulum, nisl nec ornare varius, est justo pulvinar lacus, a vulputate urna nisi nec eros. In diam quam, mollis eget vulputate quis, elementum quis sapien. Suspendisse nec eros in justo pharetra adipiscing eu sit amet mauris. Cras luctus dapibus mi ut porttitor. Proin rutrum congue quam quis elementum. Vivamus feugiat aliquet lorem, sit amet placerat nulla porttitor a. In tristique molestie eros ac pretium. Curabitur laoreet purus quis libero tincidunt laoreet.

Suspendisse convallis lobortis convallis. Nunc iaculis eleifend nibh eget lobortis. Morbi semper laoreet nisi, quis tempus tellus interdum sit amet. Praesent rutrum mollis quam nec euismod. Nam molestie accumsan elit at hendrerit. Fusce eget dolor ipsum. Suspendisse felis nulla, egestas sed convallis sed, tristique sit amet nunc. Nullam faucibus arcu eu odio suscipit ut mollis augue ultricies. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In bibendum fermentum nulla ac viverra. Phasellus arcu orci, eleifend ac gravida at, cursus in tortor. Nunc congue, lacus in elementum mollis, mi massa accumsan odio, vitae lobortis erat nisl sit amet nisi. Aliquam lacinia, risus vel suscipit egestas, mauris felis sagittis nunc, id venenatis nisi orci a mauris. Suspendisse tincidunt, lacus id molestie congue, eros justo porta mi, vitae congue lectus orci ac arcu.

Integer malesuada, urna non tempor tincidunt, turpis neque auctor est, vitae rutrum augue leo et felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam at dui massa. Proin rutrum iaculis risus, id tempus nisi dictum quis. Sed a lectus vitae libero feugiat malesuada id id lectus. Integer lobortis, nibh a aliquet tempus, odio mauris elementum felis, tristique dignissim massa turpis sed odio. Etiam eu leo erat, a volutpat tortor. Quisque tempus laoreet tincidunt. Nam aliquet nibh sed sem convallis ut mollis urna consequat. Praesent id nunc velit. Proin et magna sed erat vestibulum facilisis sed vitae leo. Nam pharetra, nisi a mollis lobortis, mauris massa rhoncus quam, ut viverra diam arcu nec mi. Aenean gravida pretium tellus blandit molestie.


EDIT: This is a page of size 10 A4. What's worth noting is that the forum software doesn't allow 10 pages of A4 - it doesn't even allow two pages. I'm certain I've seen longer posts than this. Has a new limit been introduced into the software?
Post edited November 10, 2012 by Damuna
Damuna: [snip!]

EDIT: This is a page of size 10 A4. What's worth noting is that the forum software doesn't allow 10 pages of A4 - it doesn't even allow two pages. I'm certain I've seen longer posts than this. Has a new limit been introduced into the software?
Maybe they were longer in length because of line breaks and other formatting things? The 10-pages in game 10 was actually an attached .pdf file and has sort of become legendary... Then again there were enough walls of text in game 13 to build a house.

(EDIT: sentences disappeared and reappeared cos I kept messing with the phrasing of this post...)
Post edited November 10, 2012 by NotFrenchYet
NotFrenchYet: The 10-pages in game 10 was actually an attached .pdf file and has sort of become legendary...
I'd call that a rule violation.
JoeSapphire: And while we are between games I have a proposition regarding our mafia rules.
It may not seem fair but I think it would be beneficial for all mafia players if the word limit on a single contribution to a game was reduced from 10 A4 pages, to less than one page of A4.
I think anything worth saying in a mafia game can be said in 700 words.

Proposed Forum-Wide Enforcable rule: No single contribution is permitted to contain more than 700 words.
I agree with the sentiment, but I still have to disagree.

I don't like overly long posts. They make rereading a chore. They make catching up a chore. They make replacing in in a game a freaking nightmare.

However, wordy posts are sometimes needed for making detailed analysis.

Also, and perhaps as important, it would be taking away a tool for the mafia. Overly wordy posts - as well as a large number of shorter posts - can obfuscate communication, and make rereads more of a daunting task. That is, generally, better for the mafia than the town.

So, making very long posts in multiples is an anti town move - although usually not a scummy one, as it often as more to do with style of play than allegiance - and should be dealt with accordingly. Ask them politely to stop. If they don't comply, and you consider their behaviour to be actively anti town, vote'em.

@Joe: I just read the two-three first pages of #10 and your post #26

"Are you making a genuine accusation or are you working passionately on your plan to confuse people and then get killed?
Because isn't it a bit early on for either of those?"

might be my second most favourite mafia post ever.
Zchinque: Also, and perhaps as important, it would be taking away a tool for the mafia. Overly wordy posts - as well as a large number of shorter posts - can obfuscate communication, and make rereads more of a daunting task. That is, generally, better for the mafia than the town.
It IS a bit of an unfair rule, but I have worries that it might be a rule that is necessary to enforce. If I was moderating a game and the mafia's discussed the tactic "Okay here's how we win - make the game so uninteresting to play that none of the town can be bothered and all the deadlines pass and we win." I would want to discourage that sort of behaviour.

My other suggestion is that we set up official GOG Forum Mafia Advice along the lines of "If you feel like reading a particular post is going to be too much hard work then don't do it: Skip it entirely and have a guess and what might have been said."

Which I think will be more difficult in practice but. Well.
Any Questions?

Zchinque: might be my second most favourite mafia post ever.
I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
Does it make you long to play another mafia game? There's one place left on Ellie's game!

(And of course we all want to know what it is your first favourite mafia post)
Damuna: ibendum id volutpat a, rutrumittis felis sagittis nunc rutrum Proin et magna sed erat vestibulum viverra diam gravida prellundilestie.


EDIT: This is a page of size 10 A4.
It's too long! And it is Latin.
Post edited November 11, 2012 by JoeSapphire
JoeSapphire: (And of course we all want to know what it is your first favourite mafia post)
That would have to be this.
Zchinque: That would have to be this.
... damn that's a good one.
Game 14 is live!

If anyone wants a link to the "Underworld" (i.e. spoiler-free observation thread) just send me a PM!
Post edited November 12, 2012 by NotFrenchYet