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Bookwyrm627: Then you open it up while everyone has THIS posting restriction...
I would be intrigued. I would spend around 5 minutes trying to figure out what was going on, and, if I failed, I would probably wander off. Actually, I probably would wander off anyway, and get mildly existential about the entire experience.


Then I would find some booze and make myself forget. Reminds me of what I probably did for family holidays when home from college ... ahh... the non-memories...
Post edited November 09, 2015 by Krypsyn
One time I ate this peanut butter sandwich, and realized I didn't have any peanut butter. Or bread.
yogsloth: One time I ate this peanut butter sandwich, and realized I didn't have any peanut butter. Or bread.
And then you found $5?
Post edited November 09, 2015 by Krypsyn
54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 66 75 6e 20 61 6e 79 77 61 79 2e
Krypsyn: 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 66 75 6e 20 61 6e 79 77 61 79 2e
4e 6f 77 20 79 6f 75 27 76 65 20 68 65 78 65 64 20 69 74 21

So, we're still missing at least two players before we can start.
Post edited November 09, 2015 by Lifthrasil
Krypsyn: 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 66 75 6e 20 61 6e 79 77 61 79 2e
Lifthrasil: 4e 6f 77 20 79 6f 75 27 76 65 20 68 65 78 65 64 20 69 74 21
57 65 6c 6c 20 69 74 20 64 6f 65 73 20 73 61 76 65 20 61 6c 6f 74 20 6f 66 20 73 70 61 63 65 20 63 6f 6d 70 61 72 65 64 20 74 6f 20 62 69 6e 61 72 79 2e 2e 2e 20 6b 69 6e 64 61 20 65 63 6f 6e 6f 6d 69 63 2e 20 48 6f 77 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 42 41 53 45 36 34 20 6e 65 78 74 3f
+[--->++<]>+.+++[->++++<]>.-------.--[--->+<]>-.[---->+<]>+++.[->+++&am p;lt ; ;]>+.+.+++++++++++++.++++++.-.[---->+<]>+++.---[->++++<]>.------------.+.++++++++++.[-&am p;gt ; ;+++++<]>.>++++++++++..>+[--->++<]>.[--->+<]>---.+++++.+++[->+++<]>.--[ --->+<]>-.--[-->+++++<]>.+[-->+++<]>.+++++++.---------.+++.++++++.+[->+++<]&a mp;g t;.

Gah. Forgot GoG doesn't like to display Brainfuck properly...
Post edited November 09, 2015 by adaliabooks
I have a special request. Can I be a serial killer this game?
Bookwyrm627: I have a special request. Can I be a serial killer this game?
I'll ask the random generator.
Bookwyrm627: I have a special request. Can I be a serial killer this game?
Lifthrasil: I'll ask the random generator.
Confirmation of one being in game?!
Lifthrasil: I'll ask the random generator.
drealmer7: Confirmation of one being in game?!
I'll ask the random generator ... wait, that doesn't make sense. ;-)

But I don't confirm or deny anything!
drealmer7: Confirmation of one being in game?!
Lifthrasil: I'll ask the random generator ... wait, that doesn't make sense. ;-)

But I don't confirm or deny anything!
ooo, randomly generated role-selection - there's an idea!

from of a pot of 10, it picks 3
Post edited November 09, 2015 by drealmer7
Lifthrasil: I'll ask the random generator ... wait, that doesn't make sense. ;-)

But I don't confirm or deny anything!
drealmer7: ooo, randomly generated role-selection - there's an idea!

from of a pot of 10, it picks 3
Yes. Why not? You just would need some way to balance the game.
drealmer7: ooo, randomly generated role-selection - there's an idea!

from of a pot of 10, it picks 3
Lifthrasil: Yes. Why not? You just would need some way to balance the game.
I would say have stipulations like "no multiples roles with kill abilities" and "no multiple blocker roles" or something, not even a "rule", just, know the game well enough that if you draw the 3 you can see if they operate well together or not.
Bookwyrm627: [...]

So there you are, one day. New to GOG, and you see a Mafia thread. "I wonder what that's about?" you say to yourself. Then you open it up while everyone has THIS posting restriction...
Fun times!

Bookwyrm627: I have a special request. Can I be a serial killer this game?
Sure you don't want to be the Town Arsonist?

mchack: 57 65 6c 6c 20 69 74 20 64 6f 65 73 20 73 61 76 65 20 61 6c 6f 74 20 6f 66 20 73 70 61 63 65 20 63 6f 6d 70 61 72 65 64 20 74 6f 20 62 69 6e 61 72 79 2e 2e 2e 20 6b 69 6e 64 61 20 65 63 6f 6e 6f 6d 69 63 2e 20 48 6f 77 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 42 41 53 45 36 34 20 6e 65 78 74 3f
42 75 74 20 77 68 61 74 20 67 6f 6f 64 20 69 73 20 61 20 77 61 6c 6c 20 6f 66 20 74 65 78 74 20 74 68 61 74 20 64 6f 65 73 6e 27 74 20 6c 69 76 65 20 75 70 20 74 6f 20 69 74 73 20 6e 61 6d 65 3f