Posted December 25, 2020

SuperStraight Win10 Groomer Smasher
Registered: Apr 2012
From Hungary

Execute order $rep_string
Registered: Jun 2015
From Other
Posted December 25, 2020

Yes, it really WAS vague :P
Now it's clear :P
I hv no clue how to fix it - afaik you can give a try going into every single thread where someone allegedly replied to you (since last time you went through the very same "uncheck ordeal") to each page where there is a reply to your post.
I don't know. This forum software is utter cr*p and so is the responsible CMS ;)

New User
Registered: Dec 2020
From Singapore
Posted December 30, 2020
I am unable to reconfigure my controls on king of fighter 2002. Is there anything I can do about it?
I am unable to reconfigure my controls on king of fighter 2002. Is there anything I can do about it?

Execute order $rep_string
Registered: Jun 2015
From Other
Posted December 30, 2020

I am unable to reconfigure my controls on king of fighter 2002. Is there anything I can do about it?

New User
Registered: Jan 2021
From Russian Federation
Posted January 11, 2021
Hi! I can't create new topic in "General discussion" forum.
After a successful passing Google Captcha (got green check mark), I press "Post my message" and always see this:
"Please wait. Processing image..."
Topic is not created. Just "Please wait. Processing image...".
Tried different IP's and browsers... same result.
After a successful passing Google Captcha (got green check mark), I press "Post my message" and always see this:
"Please wait. Processing image..."
Topic is not created. Just "Please wait. Processing image...".
Tried different IP's and browsers... same result.
Post edited January 11, 2021 by lord_mendes

Crossing the Rubicon
Registered: Jan 2017
From Spain
Posted January 11, 2021

After a successful passing Google Captcha (got green check mark), I press "Post my message" and always see this:
"Please wait. Processing image..."
Topic is not created. Just "Please wait. Processing image...".
Tried different IP's and browsers... same result.
Other reasons that can cause an error are too long posts (in character count, in which case you should try to split it into different posts), incorectly formatted tags (such as quotes or links not closed properly), or including certain words that are blocked by the antispam filter.

New User
Registered: Jan 2021
From Russian Federation
Posted January 11, 2021

Other reasons that can cause an error are too long posts (in character count, in which case you should try to split it into different posts), incorectly formatted tags (such as quotes or links not closed properly), or including certain words that are blocked by the antispam filter.

New User
Registered: Jan 2021
From Madagascar
Posted January 11, 2021
Hello guys, I'm looking for a game but i can't remember the name. I'll try to describe it the best i can.
It's a 2d game top view alike ff7 when they are on the big map.
When you start a game, you and all your fellow firends comes out of a castle which is usually placed at a corner
You can gather and craft everything but you can only have one building at a time which will be your wherehouse/shop/shelter alltogether.
Your goal is to destroy the opponent's castle while protecting yours making the gameplay be more of a skirmish repetition.
If you die, you have to go back to your castle and pay or wait a certain time to be revived.
At first you create a charter and define its race and stats
When you start a round, you choose your faction and the number of individuals that each opponents will have. Exp: player:Human / computer1:Draconian / computer2:Undead population:50 (50 per each so giving a total of 150 on the map).
The other fellow members of your faction are totally in freewill-mode as you can only control your charter.
All experience gathered during a game is kept by your charter and will slowly grow up and at some levels you'll get to choose some starting buffs and boosts according to your charter's overall exp.
To put it short: when a game start, you have tons of charters coming out of the main castle, then they would build a large village (one house per person) and start to make it live (trade, produce, craft, fight) until the war starts and finally ends after destroying all castles (or yours gets destroyed).Then you start over with your acquired experience.
Some other details:
the game is very small in Mb size
the menu before starting a new game still looks like a regular window
have to be before 2008 since i played it around there times
all graphics are gif and pixelised
It's a 2d game top view alike ff7 when they are on the big map.
When you start a game, you and all your fellow firends comes out of a castle which is usually placed at a corner
You can gather and craft everything but you can only have one building at a time which will be your wherehouse/shop/shelter alltogether.
Your goal is to destroy the opponent's castle while protecting yours making the gameplay be more of a skirmish repetition.
If you die, you have to go back to your castle and pay or wait a certain time to be revived.
At first you create a charter and define its race and stats
When you start a round, you choose your faction and the number of individuals that each opponents will have. Exp: player:Human / computer1:Draconian / computer2:Undead population:50 (50 per each so giving a total of 150 on the map).
The other fellow members of your faction are totally in freewill-mode as you can only control your charter.
All experience gathered during a game is kept by your charter and will slowly grow up and at some levels you'll get to choose some starting buffs and boosts according to your charter's overall exp.
To put it short: when a game start, you have tons of charters coming out of the main castle, then they would build a large village (one house per person) and start to make it live (trade, produce, craft, fight) until the war starts and finally ends after destroying all castles (or yours gets destroyed).Then you start over with your acquired experience.
Some other details:
the game is very small in Mb size
the menu before starting a new game still looks like a regular window
have to be before 2008 since i played it around there times
all graphics are gif and pixelised

Execute order $rep_string
Registered: Jun 2015
From Other
Posted January 15, 2021
You know, you would have higher chances of getting an actual useful answer if you would create a seperate thread in general forum dedicated to your question instead of plugging into non related thread like this one.
lord_mendes: Hi! I can't create new topic in "General discussion" forum.
After a successful passing Google Captcha (got green check mark), I press "Post my message" and always see this:
"Please wait. Processing image..."
Topic is not created. Just "Please wait. Processing image...".
Tried different IP's and browsers... same result.
ConsulCaesar: Are you trying to upload an image with your post? You can only post images of less thab 500 kb, with a total of 2 MB per post. Also not all formats are allowed (.jpg and .png are fine, but I'm not sure abouy others).
Other reasons that can cause an error are too long posts (in character count, in which case you should try to split it into different posts), incorectly formatted tags (such as quotes or links not closed properly), or including certain words that are blocked by the antispam filter. Is there a list somewhere of those "words"?
Maybe I missed something but it may very well be the first time I'm hearing about this particular restriction.

After a successful passing Google Captcha (got green check mark), I press "Post my message" and always see this:
"Please wait. Processing image..."
Topic is not created. Just "Please wait. Processing image...".
Tried different IP's and browsers... same result.

Other reasons that can cause an error are too long posts (in character count, in which case you should try to split it into different posts), incorectly formatted tags (such as quotes or links not closed properly), or including certain words that are blocked by the antispam filter.
Maybe I missed something but it may very well be the first time I'm hearing about this particular restriction.

Crossing the Rubicon
Registered: Jan 2017
From Spain
Posted January 15, 2021

Maybe I missed something but it may very well be the first time I'm hearing about this particular restriction.
They also used to block the number 91 (India's international telephone prefix) during a particularly bad wave of spam. Hopefully it's not blacklisted anymore or I won't be able to post this reply.

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other
Posted January 15, 2021
What is this 'Ajax' in the address when posting?!?! I dare not use this forum anymore. Have I been hacked or is it GOG?

Crossing the Rubicon
Registered: Jan 2017
From Spain
Posted January 16, 2021

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted March 25, 2021
What does "updated" mean in my game's library?

ScummVM Developer
Registered: Jul 2009
From Greece
Posted March 31, 2021

This persists even after I got new replies on a couple of threads and read them.
Did you ever find a fix?
I send a description to support, but they replied with an automated email.
- Why is the forum search still so primitive and buggy? When searching for terms separated by space, it translates the space to a character (%20). Also no sorting of the results, no option for advanced search and customized filters.

Mostly Tired
Registered: Nov 2017
From Singapore
Posted March 31, 2021

This persists even after I got new replies on a couple of threads and read them.
Did you ever find a fix?
I send a description to support, but they replied with an automated email.
- Why is the forum search still so primitive and buggy? When searching for terms separated by space, it translates the space to a character (%20). Also no sorting of the results, no option for advanced search and customized filters.
You wanna see this:
In short, just select "clear all notification" when it arrives.
You get a notification when someone sends you a PM or your wishlist game is on sale.
Good luck.