Posted November 30, 2016

What we've got here is failure to communicate. That is, gog's failure to properly communicate to their customers that they are selling a gimped version. And pretty severely gimped at that. As in "is missing key features advertised on the game card"-gimped. And this isn't the first time this happened, mind you. Gog made headlines none too recently, when they proudly announced that their version of Armello won't be receiving the same future content the Steam version gets. It happened again a few weeks ago, when ClusterTruck was released and numerous features that were cut from the gog version were actually advertised on the game card. Somehow, gog more or less successfully managed to sweep that one under the rug by deleting all references to those missing features. And now the same thing is happening again with Offworld Trading Company, which advertises all sorts of stuff that is apparently missing from the gog version.
This is where I'd like the community manager to step in and give some sort of statement about how it is possible for a store that so prides itself on its curation that "too niche" have become a meme on this forum to fuck up so badly three times in a row and how steps are being taken to prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future.
Now's the time to prove your worth beyond leaving "You make a fair point"-platitudes in a thread that is mainly dedicated to what constitutes hate speech.
And readyyyy... GO!!!
INB4 this thread turns into a discussion about how saying "gimped version" is ableist.