Hurricane0440: - Why is Batman your favorite superhero?
He has best movies (and some of the worst too, I guess, but that's a different story), best tv show and best stories in the comics. And, when written well, he's just the most interesting of them.
Hurricane0440: - What's your favorite Batman TV show, film and game? Why?
TAS, obviously, I feel like so much has been said about TAS over the years there's hardly need to repeat it. As for games - Arkham Asylum. The first game was the most tight and focused, the atmosphere of being stuck in the relatively contained and spooky space of the Asylum was just better and way more immersive than what came later in the series.
Edit: I forgot about movies - my favorite of them all is probably the animated adaptation of Year One (Mask of the Phantasm is great, but it has too many loose ends that are never explained, which annoys me). If we exclude animation and only focus on live action, then it's probably Batman Begins.
Hurricane0440: - Which challenge map is your favorite from the Arkham series? What's your high-score and playtime?
None, really. I hardly bothered with any of that, I only really cared about getting though the story campaign.
dnovraD: Do you think Batman & Robin is a homage to the Adam West Era and that the camp is intentional, or do you think the movie is simply a disaster?
I used to think it's just a disaster, but I kinda turned on that later on, leaning more towards intentional camp. That said, I don't think it's nearly as good at it as West's Batman. And camp or no, they still wasted Bane terribly. Anyway, it's still at least better than The Batman.
dnovraD: Outside of the Joker, Riddler, Poison Ivy, Mad Hatter and the rest of Batman's
main rogue's gallery, any highlights?
Wrath, Batman's supposed "opposite number" was pretty good. Two of them actually, the first one from a 1984 story, the second from a londer arc in 2008. I really like the Cavlier from the story arc Blades in Legends of the Dark Knight in the 90s, though he's not really a villain, more of a fellow vigilante unwillingly turned antagonist. Great story. I also quite like Onomatopoeia, not an all time great villain, but a cool, creepy idea that probably only works in a comic book. Phantasm, from the TAS movie probably also deserves a mention. And I always liked Rupert Thorne, I liked Batman having a recurring villain who is more of a traditional crime boss and not a costume wearing crazy person.
dnovraD: Do you actually like Frank Miller's ASBAR? (This one is important.)
Never actually read the whole thing. What I saw of it online was enough for me to say, "thanks, but no thanks".