amok: no one "manipulate your life", your life is very much your own. Yes, they use data for suggestions, data mining, selling of data and so on. But if you think they "manipulate your life" you either very much like to hyperbole, or I do have this nice shiny tinfoil hat store, and the winters collection have just come in, do have a look.
"manipulate your life" may be indeed strong wording to use directly, however, I seem to recall some TV news stating Trump's election was helped by some Social Media manipulation when the Cambridge Analitycs/Bacefook scandal blow over.
True or not, unless you live alone in a island, what others do influence your own (and mine) life. As you say, we all have principles we should adere to and that should make the world a better place but privacy, (or lack of) is still a huge problem.
As a little rant, I worked on two distinct places that were forced to remove security surveilance cameras due they were filming workers. On both cases they weren't used to "spy" workers, and ALL of the workers actually were in favor of the cameras. Is actually fun to remember this because was not too long ago, both cases were on this millenium, how fast the world changed...
Lucumo: XUL-based addon or not? I do have a changer but that one only offers IE versions, search bots and iphone (for some reason). Only use it because it makes Youtube less absolutely dreadful when there is no alternative.
It's Called User-Agent Switcher, check both attachs bellow.