Even if FFX gets a DRM-free release, the game still has issues. (Note that I haven't played it, but I have watched some videos.)
1. Unskipable cutscenes. The option to skip cutscenes is an obvious improvement that they should have done in the remaster, but didn't. Also, these aren't just your short cutscenes; there is one point where there is a 5 minute (!) cutscene followed by a 3-part boss fight (with no save in-between), in which a player going in blind (that is, not having seen or read about the boss fight before hand) and playing rationally is very likely to lose on the first attempt.
2. Some of the ultimate weapons require playing mini-games that, aside from not belonging in an RPG in the first place, are way too hard. Mini-games should *not* be harder than the main game, ever. Also, this creates an accessibilty issue for people with certain types of disabilities.
3. The game has lots of high-level content, but the game is not balanced at high levels. In particular, any attack that isn't Quick Hit with a Celestial Weapon (those ultimate weapons that require mini-games) fails to have any strategic use at that point, as physical attacks scale faster than offensive magic. Furthermore, even if an enemy has high defense, Celestial Weapons ignore it, making offensive magic use not even have that possible niche.
The game, of course, has other issues, but these are probably the most game-breaking ones. (2 and 3 make the postgame not fun, while 1 becomes an issue if you decide to restart and do a challenge playthrough (like No Sphere Grid).)