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LiquidOxygen80: Hey, let him think what he likes. We can enjoy our SotN and Final Fantasy Tactics and a bunch of PS1 classics on the go, all to ourselves!
snowkatt: and the actual great psp titles on that machines too

which reminds me i actually have symphony of the night
Good game that. A little bit overrated if you ask me. But I played the shit out of it on my PSP.
Breja: Are you by any chance related to the Stereotypically-drunk Mexican Cyborg Early 90's Otaku Kid?
Probably. :D
snowkatt: and the actual great psp titles on that machines too

which reminds me i actually have symphony of the night
darthspudius: Good game that. A little bit overrated if you ask me. But I played the shit out of it on my PSP.
Yeah, overrated in the sense that no game really lives up to the massive hype surrounding it. Despite its faults, when I get in the mood for it, I can't put it down, moreso than a lot of the DS titles and some of the GBA ones. :)
darthspudius: Good game that. A little bit overrated if you ask me. But I played the shit out of it on my PSP.
LiquidOxygen80: Yeah, overrated in the sense that no game really lives up to the massive hype surrounding it. Despite its faults, when I get in the mood for it, I can't put it down, moreso than a lot of the DS titles and some of the GBA ones. :)
In my opinion at least, the games that came before it were much better. It wasn't highly praised like it is now when it came out. So I don't know why it's all the favourite now.
Jedi Laser Unicorns don't use hashtags. They use lasers beams to to burn words directly into your retina.

Also they don't go on dates, unless you ask really nicely and take them to a expensive restaurant.
Elmofongo: Oh you make a thread like this and no one cares but I make a thread and people low rates me for it.

Snobby freaks :P
Breja: All thanks to my crazy high charisma. But I've got barely any hit points and my armor class sucks, so once the fighting starts I'm fucked.
Just be careful not to raise your charisma too much, or else it will overflow and become negative. I suggest investing in HP and AC instead.
LiquidOxygen80: Hey, let him think what he likes. We can enjoy our SotN and Final Fantasy Tactics and a bunch of PS1 classics on the go, all to ourselves!
Elmofongo: I own Final Fantasy 1 for PSP and CHRONODIA IS A WORTH THIS VERSION OF IT:

And Final Fantasy 4 Complete Collection is pretty much the quintessential final fantasy 4, to hell with the DS version.
Personally, I prefer the Origins version of Final Fantasy 1. It is closer to the original in terms of difficulty (instead of being way too easy), except that spells like Steel (TMPR) actually work properly.

Also, on Easy mode it is possible to do 50976 damage (I've actually done that). What other version lets you do that much damage? (Interestingly enough, on the GBA version, if you deal 32768 or more damage, the damage display goes all glitchy. (Maybe the game treats it as a negative number?))

As an interesting side note, I consider the sprites for the 12 classes to be intentionally gender ambiguous. (I've named my monk Alena and my white mage Minwu before.)

snowkatt: and the actual great psp titles on that machines too

which reminds me i actually have symphony of the night
darthspudius: Good game that. A little bit overrated if you ask me. But I played the shit out of it on my PSP.
And has also been broken to the point of allowing arbitrary code execution in real-time (that is, outside of a TAS).
Post edited August 10, 2015 by dtgreene
I am a CELEBRITY on the interwebs.
I created life, from lifelessness.
It's Genesis. And it is planet forbidden.
Breja: Equality! Tits! Selfies! Come at me!

Come on everybody! Let's make threads to fight over women and consoles!

Am I doing it right? I want to feel relevant...
MaximumBunny: As a black, white, hispanic, asian, slavic, middle eastern, capitalist, socialist, communist, conservative, libertarian, liberal, christian, jewish, muslim, hindu, sikh, buddhist, mormon, jehovah's witness, satanist, shinto, pastafari, scientologist, man, woman, transgendered, meat eater, vegan, gluten free, full of gluten, feminist, manist, nudist, oppressor, social justice warrior, sinner, saint, spider-man pajama wearing average person I'm inclined to be unoffended/offended by your post. That is all.
If you had mixed your blood with this other blood, you wouldn´t be.
family.jpg (13 Kb)
Elmofongo: Oh you make a thread like this and no one cares but I make a thread and people low rates me for it.

Snobby freaks :P
Oh, correction, apparently I got downvoted after all. It would seem making fun of idiocy is frawned upon. Keep fighting the good fight Serious Internet People :D
Breja: This is ain't one of them, if that's you concern. I'm just taking a piss at the whole silly situation :)
The thing is, pretty much all the threads are doing the exact same thing. You just added one more to the pile. I didn't downvote you (I have nothing against you or your opinion, and downvoting isn't my thing) but making new threads just to mock people making new threads to mock people making new threads isn't actually very witty at all.
OMG so productive!
Ryoko sama does not care. She also needs a new pair of earings, so she will bully her kouhai into shopping:P