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low rated
Equality! Tits! Selfies! Come at me!

Come on everybody! Let's make threads to fight over women and consoles!

Am I doing it right? I want to feel relevant...
piss off

Enough of this shite already
ill get back to you when my psp's battery is empty
What happened to the words women or men? Did I miss something?
One single dude writes a weird comment about women and then.. 10 threads about misogyny and feminism show up -_-'
Post edited August 10, 2015 by phaolo
I am a wolf so I couldn´t care less for human petty fights.
LoboBlanco: I am a wolf so I couldn´t care less for human petty fights.
It looks like wolves have evolved very intricate hands since I last checked. They can even use keyboards now!
LoboBlanco: I am a wolf so I couldn´t care less for human petty fights.
thejimz: It looks like wolves have evolved very intricate hands since I last checked. They can even use keyboards now!
It´s in the family...
cousin.jpg (94 Kb)
phaolo: One single dude writes a weird comment about women and then.. 10 threads about misogyny and feminism show up -_-'
This is ain't one of them, if that's you concern. I'm just taking a piss at the whole silly situation :)
snowkatt: ill get back to you when my psp's battery is empty
Next thing you'l tell me you own an OUYA.
Post edited August 10, 2015 by Breja
Did I miss something?
darthspudius: Did I miss something?
Nah, just a spill over from the GG thread to the general forum :).
thejimz: It looks like wolves have evolved very intricate hands since I last checked. They can even use keyboards now!
LoboBlanco: It´s in the family...
Why do you have a picture of my grandfather?
LoboBlanco: It´s in the family...
AnimalMother117: Why do you have a picture of my grandfather?
That reminds me, I still need to watch Wolf's Rain.
Tabbys Unite!
LoboBlanco: It´s in the family...
AnimalMother117: Why do you have a picture of my grandfather?
Didn´t know he was a young parent, well to tell you the truth they nicknamed "humper-fi", we thought it was a pun on something else but later found out it was an irony and actually he had a lot of families.
He likes to travel a lot, we thought maybe ten trees was the farthest but once it took him so long to come back when there were no tress on the area, so that may explain it having relatives so far.
AnimalMother117: Why do you have a picture of my grandfather?
MaGo72: That reminds me, I still need to watch Wolf's Rain.
I haven´t watched that one yet, family says they find their studio quite tasty.
Post edited August 10, 2015 by LoboBlanco