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I'd like to have a way to get multiple copies of one game on several computers without violating the license. I think that would be a good way to support this service. I'd buy another license of at least The Guild, Empire Earth and Star Wars Battlefront.

An additional evaluation-period would be great. The files are DRM-free and copyable. If I have installed it to a location where it is not decided whether it stays there, I'd like to have some time to purchase additional copies. "Use-Case:" Friends come without their PC. I could install a game on an old PC without purchasing the license immediately. If I see this happen more often, I can purchase an additional licens.

The system should be trust-based: Just a counter for each game in posession to remind, how many copies are accepted. Mentioning it as trust-based somewhere close to the counter is a good idea, I think.

Best regards,
Andreas Wagner aka "thewand" (Don't laugh, it's "the _W_agner, _AND_reas." It took me years to find out there are magic wands around.)
Mot sure I understand, but are you asking for multiple licenses so you can install on other computers you own? If so, that's allowed with just the one license.
low rated
Multiple licenses in order to give a bunch of people a copy of the game? Good idea.

If you have multiple friends and you want to multiplayer a copy of Diablo or Sacred 1? Just install it on their computer and ask them to remove it afterwards... (it's not like they'll be sharing the installer everywhere even if they don't)

In the rare case you have a game that demands a unique CD key? (NWN for example) there are lists of CD keys to make it work, just change it or use your own unique one in your downloader.

Otherwise just don't worry about it.
You could also make another account; That's currently the closest thing to a 'supported' way of doing it.

Would also make multiplayer stuff a lot easier to get working if e.g. it requires Galaxy to work, rather than getting weird issues trying to log into galaxy twice with the same account and joining the same game!