MaridAudran: We got to show
A Clockwork Orange on print at our arthouse, probably one of the last times that'll ever happen. Very cool.
A good arthouse cinema is a beautiful thing.
I'm not exactly enthusiastic about the city I live in, but as a movie buff I couldn't have done much better. Biggest multiplex in Europe and a couple of very fine smaller cinemas devoted to indie and art film, including one that has received an honour as the best arthouse cinema in Germany.
I can choose from pretty much anything, from the latest Hollywood 3D extravaganza to Eastern German erotic flicks from the 70s and almost completely unheard of C-horror stuff. In this month alone I have attended/will attend, among others, screenings of Truffaut's Jules and Jim (there's a Truffaut retrospective going on, actually), Malick's Badlands, Antonioni's The Passenger (part of a series of road movies), a matinee screening of Welles' F for Fake complete with introductory speech, the documentary Leviathan and Wong Kar-Wai's latest.
Highlights of the past include a screening of my favourite movie with live piano accompaniment, Pasolini's Accattone with subsequent discussion led by some appropriate expert and a few premieres where the directors were present to answer questions.
Once I've moved away I'll miss my cinemas more than anything else!
Anyway, Wong Kar-Wai's latest, The Grandmaster. I think that's something you people here could really enjoy. A kung fu flick with a bit of torrid romance thrown in, in the director's typical ludicrously beautiful style and with a just as typically gorgeous score. Watch it. It's good.
Dahmer666: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Yep, it's fantastic. The one Kubrick movie that remains among my very favourites.