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Half-Line Miami got a lot of attention (and I still can't get it to work, but whatever), but there are other games that use Hotline Miami as a template. Here's some that I found:

Hotline Hyrul Hotline Miami meets Legend of Zelda. I've never played any of the Zelda games, but I still found it a fun variation on the HM theme, with the player controlling two characters at the same time - Link wields a sword, and Zelda a gun. It's also quite difficult (make every shot count!)

SuperHOTline Miami a top-down version of the FPS in which time only moves when you move. The best of the bunch in my opinion, the topdown perspective works great for that mechanic. The only downside is the esthetics here don't really take after HM at all.

Zombie 1984 a simple "kill the zombies in 19.84 seconds" premise in a HM style.

Bloodbath Kavkaz A russian rip-off of HM. Pretty much all there is to it.

Hotline Santa Cruz short, one level thingy. Not much to it.

Any other Hotline Miami mashups, clones and whatevers floating around the web?
About SuperHOT.
Last day I was wondering any game can be played as SuperHOT if it lags enough!
amrit9037: About SuperHOT.
Last day I was wondering any game can be played as SuperHOT if it lags enough!
'fraid not :(

There are some console ports where the actual game time moves slower as the framerate drops (Re4 is the one that comes to mind), and you'll find that's the case with any game made in the Gamemaker engine as well. But the vast majority of games nowadays have a timer that keeps things moving at the same speed regardless of framerate. It just gets choppier.

And there's the fact that SuperHot isn't really in slow motion... it's just that time only moves when you move ;)
I am waiting for final game.
They made a Quake game with SuperHOT mechanics on april 1.
SuperQOT was fun to play.