Posted October 24, 2015

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia

Original Grey
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted October 24, 2015
Witcher 3 required a relatively small patch/unlocker for the retail version. In this case it sounds more like most of the game data will have to be downloaded. ( And yes, that does make a difference, at least for people with slow or limited internet connections. As it happens, those are generally the people who buy physical copies of games. )
stg83: Its been almost 7 years since Fallout 3 was released and it still isn't here yet so it might be eons until Fallout 4 gets a GOG release.
monkeydelarge: Due to Bethesda being Bethesda, at least 20 years will pass before there will be a DRM free version of Fallout 4. My own guess is, we'll either see it here much sooner than that, or not at all. Mostly depending on how things go for GOG, Bethesda, and that whole DRM thing.
How much internets does each disc contain? I still have about 50 of them... you think that's about all the internets?

How much internets does each disc contain? I still have about 50 of them... you think that's about all the internets?
Post edited October 24, 2015 by CharlesGrey

PPK, definitely
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015
The main point is if you want to own a game that is a few GB's in size (ha! What isn't these days?) if you could theoretically buy the disk with all the encrypted files on the disk, and you have a $9.95 per/month 3Mbps download speed--you can install the multi-gigabyte game in an hour or so versa the *several days* it might take to successfully download it all from Steam. All you'd need the Internet for would be to verify the purchase with Steam and receive the unlock for the file encryption--and updates. But of course *cough* Steam updates often being the size of the original game--not even sure that would work out very well.
Better off buying the game from Gog because the patches are often much smaller--but wait--GOG doesn't sell physical game disks at all (unlike Steam) do they?
Basically, you are screwed without a decently fast Internet connection these days, more or less.
Better off buying the game from Gog because the patches are often much smaller--but wait--GOG doesn't sell physical game disks at all (unlike Steam) do they?
Basically, you are screwed without a decently fast Internet connection these days, more or less.

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted October 24, 2015

Maybe you are lucky enough to not have internet connection problems, but for example I had to download The Witcher 3 at 128kbps -and I'm pretty sure many people around the world have even worse problems, and that is without talking of limited bandwidth. The best I ever did was 600kbps! Sometimes, discs are a real godsend, especially if Steam or other clients are needed for the installation, and with the dimentions of both base games and patches nowdays... I envy those that pass 1Mbps.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015
Some gamers don't have an internet connection or have a really shitty internet connection due to their location or lack of money. There are also people who hate using Steam with a passion. And the existence of physical copies allows businesses to exist that make money from selling physical copies. This is good for the economy and provides more jobs for people who are unable to obtain better jobs. This also creates more money making opportunities for some people. So the shift to digital only when it comes to PC games, really fucked everyone over and offers gamers few benefits. And when the shift to digital only console games happens, everyone will be fucked over some more. And no, I'm not putting down digital digital game distribution services and digital games entirely. And I'm not putting down people who prefer digital games. People who prefer digital games weren't responsible for this bullshit.
Not being able to buy used video games sucks hairy kangaroo balls for poor gamers and gamers who want to save money. Physical copies = a used video games market and that would be nice.
Not being able to buy used video games sucks hairy kangaroo balls for poor gamers and gamers who want to save money. Physical copies = a used video games market and that would be nice.
Post edited October 24, 2015 by monkeydelarge

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015
Post edited October 24, 2015 by Fairfox

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States

Tabletop Gamer
Registered: Dec 2011
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015
Even then, digital distribution will never be the same as owning a physical product. When all you're selling is "data" which has a near-zero cost to create, you're selling something that has very little value from a monetary perspective.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015
I misunderstood this post of yours and wrote a pointless reply(deleted). Now I get what you are saying. What an epic fail from me. :(
Post edited October 24, 2015 by monkeydelarge

New User
Registered: May 2011
From United States

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015

Post edited October 24, 2015 by monkeydelarge

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 24, 2015

You on the other hand seem to try at every opportunity to score digital warrior brownie points. Some people prefer digital. Others prefer physical. Neither is going away. Both scratch different itches and fulfil different needs. Get over it.
digital warrior brownie points - 10000000000000000
all other points - 0
Post edited October 24, 2015 by monkeydelarge

Registered: Mar 2013
From Spain
Posted October 24, 2015
Anything infected with steam is worthless without internet connection.
Whats the point to have all data on disk anyway? its not drm-free. it doesnt have some old-school on-disc drm so its worthless without internet. - basically its just a way to save a little(or not, depends on your isp/country) bandwidth. the real "disks" of steam games are called torrents nowadays, but I prefer ignoring drm'ed products...
Whats the point to have all data on disk anyway? its not drm-free. it doesnt have some old-school on-disc drm so its worthless without internet. - basically its just a way to save a little(or not, depends on your isp/country) bandwidth. the real "disks" of steam games are called torrents nowadays, but I prefer ignoring drm'ed products...

Steam is Power!
Registered: May 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted October 24, 2015

Whats the point to have all data on disk anyway? its not drm-free. it doesnt have some old-school on-disc drm so its worthless without internet. - basically its just a way to save a little(or not, depends on your isp/country) bandwidth. the real "disks" of steam games are called torrents nowadays, but I prefer ignoring drm'ed products...
Post edited October 24, 2015 by darthspudius

Registered: Mar 2013
From Spain
Posted October 24, 2015

anyway they are not "true" drm free in my opinion