Posted July 01, 2019
low rated
I've started playing the game I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. People need to play this. And if one were to finish the game and spot just a little of that hatred and love of torture that AM the main antagonist has; maybe it is time to reconsider why you have to be right all the time.
I went through that awhile back. There are still people I speak to that assume I agree with everything they said because they thought that was where the conversation was leading. Sorry, but just because I didn't agree with you completely or made points why you were mistaken doesn't make me bad.
We are all individuals, even if we are products of our environment, we still have life experiences that are different from each other.
Communication from one human to another human means dealing with discussing subjects you don't agree with and don't see eye to eye on. Even if any of the humans identify as something other than human. I've seen a story where a woman said she was a cat. She's not harming anybody and she's not expecting anyone to take care of her. She just loves cat and acting as one.