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Travel to Los Angeles A.D. 2019 and witness its revamped looks in a new, enhanced edition of the cult point & click classic.
Genre: Adventure
Discount: 50% off for the owners of the previous GOG version of the Blade Runner game. The latter will be added to every Blade Runner - Enhanced Edition purchase.
Insta-bought, of course.
Well, GOG has decided to throw everything in an afternoon :D. And Maybe Tomorrow the rest of stuff. Because I am convinced something is left.
Post edited June 23, 2022 by Gudadantza
Wasn't expecting this here so soon.
Post edited June 23, 2022 by DoomSooth
high rated
Really glad it came here, it really should be here because if not for the work GoG did in releasing the original IP I seriously doubt Nightdive could have secured the IP for a make over.

What really pisses me off, and does so for so many games, its another stealth release, complete radio silence until release day.

Actually worse with this, with Nightdive categorically stating it wasn't coming to GoG when I asked them a few months ago.
Mother of God!
The closer we get to the end of this summer sale the more releases, discounts and great games I see!
Thanks, GOG!
The original looks good enough on 16" CRT, embrace the pixels! And I can play the original on a 2004 eMac thanks to GOG and ScummVM so....
Post edited June 23, 2022 by mr_space
high rated
I am glad that it is here and I am glad that owners of the original will get a discount but didn't Nightdive implemented the other languages (audio) that were available in the original version or is this a bug on the gamecard?

Edit: On Steam it is the same ... so no mistake. Great, they advertize that they implemented subs while not including the existing audio tracks.
Post edited June 23, 2022 by MarkoH01
high rated
Not sure this one was necessary. *shrug* Some of that upscaling looks too smooth in places yet still quite pixelly at the same time. Inconsistency like that bugs me to no end. A lot of things being sharper also makes some of the lower frame animation look extremely janky. Played the original game when it popped up on GOG for the very first time and I didn't have any problems with it, so I don't see how much those quality-of-life features actually bring to the table.
If you look at some A/B comparisons, the EE is not as enhanced as the name would suggest, being worse in some ways and quite buggy to boot (hopefully there will be updates). Thankfully the original is bundled with it according to the description.
Post edited June 23, 2022 by my name is catte
Interesting .
Why can't I read the comments?
Thanks GOG and Nightdive for the new version AND for keeping the old version for those that may or may not have it already!
MarkoH01: Why can't I read the comments?
" This comment is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information)."
You don't see this?:

EDit: ah, I see...the comments aren't given free yet.
Post edited June 23, 2022 by BreOl72