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UPDATE: Now with preload and release details!

The time to dive into the fascinating, futuristic world of Night City is almost upon us. That’s why, as the clock keeps counting down to the game’s official premiere, we’ve decided to gather all the important stuff about Cyberpunk 2077 in one place.

On the 10th of December, the much-anticipated game from CD PROJEKT RED will come to life on millions of computers and consoles around the world. Set in a dystopian, sci-fi universe created by Mike Pondsmith, Cyberpunk 2077 will take us to a huge open world, soaked in neon lights and a kitsch art style. Thanks to cybernetic enhancements, its inhabitants can access the omnipresent Net almost any time they want and they can also modify their bodies in countless ways, making it a lethal weapon or simply a fashion statement.

The character creation
In Cyberpunk 2077, our hero is highly customizable. Apart from their appearance, along with details like eyes and hair color, body shape, or tattoos, we can select our character’s Lifepath from the three distinct options available. Our choice will not only affect the character’s stats and traits but also will give them a unique narrative background.

• If you choose the Nomad Lifepath, the hero will come to Night City from the polluted Badlands, where independence and resourcefulness are top qualities.
• If you decide on the Streetkid Lifepath, the main character will know more about life on Night City’s crime-infested streets.
• Finally, if your choice is the Corporate Lifepath, you’ll be skilled in the subtle art of intrigue, honed in the corridors of the Arasaka megacorporation.

After creating your own character, it’s time to explore the game’s awesome universe!

The gameplay
In contrast to previous CD PROJEKT RED games, Cyberpunk 2077 is an FPP game. This lets you immerse yourself fully in the game’s world, and makes using all the weapons provided to your character much easier, and satisfying, to use.

The arsenal V can use in Cyberpunk 2077 is huge! Revolvers, machine guns, shotguns, pistols, knives, swords – you name it! 12 corporations produce weapons distributed on Night City’s streets – from top tier arms from Arasaka, to Rostovic products that almost anyone can afford. As for types of weaponry, you can choose from power weapons, tech weapons, smart weapons (with guided ammunition), and melee weapons (along with razor-sharp katanas). In many cases, once you’ll find your favorite arms’ type, it’s up to you to customize its parameters.
Post edited December 05, 2020 by emter_pl
I see what you are talking about. It is a 59 hour timer. I guess for when the game launches?
Post edited December 07, 2020 by greyhat
greyhat: I see what you are talking about. It is a 59 hour timer. I guess for when the game launches?
I wanted it was a 1 hour for my offline installer to make me happy! :|
greyhat: I see what you are talking about. It is a 59 hour timer. I guess for when the game launches?
vlad_dgt: Damn!
I wanted it was a 1 hour for my offline installer to make me happy! :|
Well, you will be happy to know that offline installer is coming on the 10th just as I said. :) There is no reason why GOG would not make one.
cp.jpg (16 Kb)
Post edited December 07, 2020 by greyhat
tfishell: I suspect the game isn't going to be especially great (or all the sites I visit are just negative towards it, perhaps), but I hope it sells well for GOG's sake.
hehe like Kontaku?
Since when has CPR made a bad game? Its all baselase hate for the sake of clicks.
I trust CPR to deliver and i even buy thie pre-order which is something i dont do very often or at all.
Any way just 2 more days....
greyhat: I am not the craziest about car driving in open world video games with lots of pedestrians and stop lights. Car physics are funny in games. But, the thought of driving around Night City in a 77 Porsche 911 sounds like a blast. :)
Antimateria: Most games indeed where do you drive it feels off. Too arcadey. Like the worst driving recently is in Watch dogs legion. I get it, they are electric cars and you don't "feel" them so much but it is pretty bad. Hopefully 2077 has a bit more realistic one.

Edit: Also I hope the game runs well and is rather bug free. I expect a bit of witcher 3 duck walking bugs but I could manage without it but I've played so much ac: valhalla that there's a chance that everything with a decent amount of polish feels great.
I feel most open world games that include driving are just way to floaty (arcadey) and dont feel as smooth with speed control , turning, and breaking. It just feel immersion breaking to not be able to take a corner smoothly and constantly be smashing into cars, buildings, fire hydrants, and people because the car physics dont allow for feel of the corners and speed well enough. . And if you try to move slower it does not feel natural either. Car physics is tough to make when you have to take into account all the other NPC and mechanics of a functioning city. It also never felth the greatest with mouse and KB.

Race car games like Gran Turismo are not too bad. They do much better with the physics and reaction but still feel floaty. But most car games are always a bit janky. It works well for games like border lands and Rage too because it is meant to be unrealistic and arcadey plus there is no functioning city mechanics to interfere with it. So, they can have it be goofy and it works.

But like I said, having it in a cityscape just blows the immersion with pretty much ever game I have played that has this. Jalopy has been the only one I have played that feel good but you are driving a sewing machine on wheels. :D

I hope CP 2077 does it well especially if it will be used a lot. But if not I wont hold it against the developers or the game if it is a bit janky. Its not easy to do well.

haha Coming from AC this game will look more than fine. The combat looks good so far and if it is a nice RPG with lots of choices like FO NV I will be happy.
Post edited December 08, 2020 by greyhat
Breja: Honestly at this point I'm kind of sick and tired of hearing about Cyberpunk. Maybe I'm just a contrarian asshat, but it's just been too much hype for too long for my taste.
-Nachtmahr-: To be honest, the gameplay doesn't flash me, even as someone who's been into cyberpunk and industrial for the whole life.

Guess I am just sick of open worlds and walking around in them. Hope the final game will be faster and with more interiors. Most open worlds boast about size but none have meaningful activities or rewards if it is not a looter shooter. But then, I lose interest in them as soon as all missions have been done since driving around without a goal feels like a waste of time to me.
blueGretsch: Good info, but I don't think it's a game for me. The game-world doesn't feel that interesting, which is the biggest issue for me, it feels too "generic" for something as hyped-up as this.That's my impression so far. I would have expected something more original and unique, instead I feel I'd be getting the same thing I've seen many times before.
GeraltOfRivia_PL: I am really curious though what has turned you off from the game?
Breja: Seriously though, it's just that the first trailer all those years ago teased a very different mood. More Deus Ex/Blade Runner. Now it's obvious the game is way more "gangsta", more "GTA in the future" than the neo-noir style cyberpunk I like. Which, to be honest, is a perfectly valid approach, and true to the tabletop game. It's just less to my personal liking.
huan: The more I see of the game, the more I'm getting ready to be disappointed to some degree.

I wasn't even sure why I had such feeling, until I read this discussion. I think Breja summed it quite well, with single word: "gangsta". I was expecting something dark. The most prominent think I remember about CP2077 is the very first video we saw - dark rainy street with murderous android/cyborg woman with mantis blades (we didn't know the name back then), cops shooting at her, probably to be turned into mincemeat in very near future because she's way over their pay grade... Cybernetic mods not as a way to look cool, but as a way to maybe survive for just another day...

Right now all the released materials are about V "looking cool" and doing everything "with style". Whole episode of the wire dedicated to stylish cars (and other vehicles). This article about how gangs work in Nightcity...
kohlrak: tbh, i've gotten so less hype about this game, i quit watching the trailers. Not only is this game way more than my computer could ever hope to handle (not really a problem for most people), but it's constantly hyped with the cringiest "we know you're on the hype train and can't get enough" mentality, which sounds horridly corporate and out of touch. Mind you, most of us saw this as "oh, look, a new witcher since the witcher is over. Maybe with the change of direction, we'll get something that competes with skyrim." And i see cutscenes, cutscenes, and i see gog's politics, and I can only think one thing: this is going to be ridiculously out of touch with what our expectations were setting out.
toxicTom: I think it has to do with the style of early Cyperpunk literature, especially Gibson (Neuromancer) which is reminiscent of classic "hardboiled noir" fiction, whose protagonists are also often shown prowling the dark alleys of a rain-soaked city - symbolizing the twilight, the moral grey areas, and the tragedies big and small taking place in urban labyrinths.
Breja: You can have a neo-noir vibe in beautiful broad daylight too, Miami Vice has plenty of great examples of that, like the superb episode "Definitely Miami". But instead C2077 seems to be very straightforward about all the "gangsta flava" being cool and fun. Which, again, is not by definition a bad approach to the genre, it's just not one to my liking. I find all the gangsta stuff (not just in this game but in general), vulgar an unappealing.
Gersen: I think a lot of peoples, when they hear "Cyberpunk", think about Blade Runner where everything is dark, rainy/foggy, taking place in the night, etc... but Cyberpunk is not necessarily like that, a lot of cyberpunk novels, even among the classics, take place mostly in broad daylight, where most peoples uses extensions for recreative purposes, convenience, or yes, to look cool (often without thinking about the risks), and apart from gang, terrorist, or some paramilitary organization you won't have any retractable or weapons in said extensions.

I don't know how it is in the original game, but Cyberpunk doesn't necessarily means that everything takes place in some dark semi-post apocalyptic distopia.
huan: In general, I'm sure you are right, cyberpunk genre can be many things. In this specific case, the initial trailer set some expectations and the end product is shaping to be quite different from that.
All good points... Four key words for me here: gangsta, generic, open world, and hyped... The gangsta flavor was what put me off from the very beginning as it doesn't work for me as a compelling cyberpunk setting. Maybe some of the younger gaming audience will find it more to their taste but as someone who's been a cyberpunk fan (the computer game genre, not the tabletop variety) since the 90:s, this is the first cyberpunk game that doesn't spark any interest in me - and it happens to be the most hyped cyberpunk game ever... What makes cyberpunk interesting to me has all to do with story and atmosphere. From the trailers so far, CP2077 is more style than substance - and not exactly the best chosen style either, for that matter. The CP2077 setting is also an open world setting. Open world settings are more often than not just a way to maximize play time with minimal effort put into where it really matters, i.e. the storyline. Open worlds may work for some genres but cyberpunk, which depends so much on immersion and atmosphere, is not one of them. It's all looking very generic and uninspiring as a result, despite the effort at a lively and engaging narration for the trailers and game previews... Furthermore, the over-the-top and in-your-face marketing hype surrounding CP2077 has been unbearable to follow and yet hard to avoid because whichever page you've turned on GOG.COM, there's bound to be a button or ad somewhere on it nudging you to buy / pre-order Cyberpunk 2077. It's gotten to the point that I think those of us not planning on buying it at all may in fact be the most eager to have it released, just so that this whole marketing hype can finally die off... But at the end of the day, CP2077 is just a game - a heavily hyped and marketed game, but nevertheless just a game. It will find its audience, the rest of us will ignore it to the best of our abilities and the world will move on. What concerns me, however, as a decades-long cyberpunk fan is not so much CP2077 as a game which I probably never will play. I'm more concerned about the legacy it may leave for the cyberpunk genre as a whole. I sincerely hope that CP2077 will not set the direction for future cyberpunk games in the years to come. That would be far worse than having to endure marketing hype for a game you don't have any interest in...
Post edited December 08, 2020 by retrorealms
retrorealms: What makes cyberpunk interesting to me has all to do with story and atmosphere. ... The CP2077 setting is also an open world setting. Open world settings are more often than not just a way to maximize play time with minimal effort put into where it really matters, i.e. the storyline.
You are aware that the previous game from the creators of CP2077 was a tiny little unknown gem called Witcher 3, which is open world and (IMO) one of the most atmospheric games ever created with a very good story line (especially if you know the books the setting is based on)?

But yes, I'm also annoyed by the hype.
Has anyone said anything about a potential demo? Would be awesome if I could try it out first. And see if my laptop can handle it, though it should going by the reqs.
Reever: Has anyone said anything about a potential demo? Would be awesome if I could try it out first. And see if my laptop can handle it, though it should going by the reqs.
Same, I wish they would give games a Laptop Specification aswell as the usual desktop specs.

Kind of optimistic my new laptop should be in the low to medium ball park for settings (even after considering my GPU is less capable than the desktop equivalent model number, Geforce GTX 1650 4gb VRAM), but I could be very disappointed ..

.. The lack of Laptop specs is the only thing puts me off buying new games until I see a few hundred people online with similar laptop experience reports.

Rest of the laptop should be ok I think

Laptop Dell G7 7590 : Win 10 x64
CPU 9th Gen' Core I7 9750H 4.5ghz,
GPU NVidia Geforce GTX 1650, VRAM 4gb GDDR5,
RAM Corsair Vengeance 32gb (2x16gb Dual Channel) DDR4 2666mhz,
M.2 NVME 256gb + Dell 512gb SSDs' (both Internal)

Games install on the 512gb SSD
Post edited December 09, 2020 by alt3rn1ty
Reever: Has anyone said anything about a potential demo? Would be awesome if I could try it out first. And see if my laptop can handle it, though it should going by the reqs.
go to here: and compare your laptop specs to the minimum requirements :)
Everything we know about Cyberpunk 2077
Post edited December 09, 2020 by brandon-esbach
Agh hahahahahahahahahaha

OMFG this is too funny
Enebias: All of the above, plus the inhuman treatment CDP Red reserves to its employees.
"We learned out lessons, no more crunch, no more abuse". All lies, of course
When in the WORLD did CDPR said they abused their employees, wtf are you talking about.

Crunch: a BRIEF period of time when devs have to work SLIGHTLY longer to get a game ready for shipping (because it has to be ready for shipping), during which they get paid OVERTIME, and are happy to not complain about having to work a BRIEF period of time working SLIGHTLY longer hours, because they are not fragile china, and because they are passionate about their work, and aren't going to pussyfoot around getting something they care about done to a high standard.

Stop villianizing professionalism in the video game industry if you can, you are hurting the games industry. Ty.
Enebias: All of the above, plus the inhuman treatment CDP Red reserves to its employees.
"We learned out lessons, no more crunch, no more abuse". All lies, of course
a2055: When in the WORLD did CDPR said they abused their employees, wtf are you talking about.

Crunch: a BRIEF period of time when devs have to work SLIGHTLY longer to get a game ready for shipping (because it has to be ready for shipping), during which they get paid OVERTIME, and are happy to not complain about having to work a BRIEF period of time working SLIGHTLY longer hours, because they are not fragile china, and because they are passionate about their work, and aren't going to pussyfoot around getting something they care about done to a high standard.

Stop villianizing professionalism in the video game industry if you can, you are hurting the games industry. Ty.
Jeez, this level of zealotry can rival religious extremism; it seems the PR department at CDP is doing wonders, if somebody subscribes just to make this their first post. Thanks for the vitriol, I was almost out of stock!

Check this dude's twitter ( )
or this, with a link to the article (it seems you need to sign up though, I can't find it again in other places for now):

I'd like to remind you that you have provided no source, so please don't come and tell me I lied and made boo-boo to your favorite slave-corporation. I meant corporation.

But I get it: consumers don't want to know. They don't want to have their enjoyment of a product tarnished by guilt.
Post edited December 09, 2020 by Enebias