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The Daggerfall Unity - GOG Cut has just recently joined our GOG ranks. It’s a great opportunity to take a look back and discover a huge legacy of The Elder Scrolls games that you can read about in the article on our blog.

Also, check this great video from Indigo Gaming below – it will give you a great perspective on how ambitious the The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall project was at the time:
One of the things I enabled in options in Daggerfall Unity when Interkarma featured it was click to fight. I considered it and advancement and very convenient. But with the time I felt it boring and turned back to the more demanding classic Daggerfall fighting mode.

One thing I miss in DU is the prehistoric FPS arrows based mode, like the one in Arena. It is one of the few things not already implemented in the engine. But not sure if it will. Not many fans of it even in the Daggerfall Workshop forum.
rtcvb32: It isn't about easy or not easy, it's about if it's natural. Moving your whole hand seems easier than overexerting and moving your hand/arm/fingers in unnatural ways. The click/drag may work fine on a touch screen (as that would be a similar effect) but on a computer it just doesn't mesh well. Also it wasn't explained that's how you do it.
I can explain how I do it, then. The trick is to not press the (right) mouse button just for the time of the swipe, but to keep it pressed almost all the time during combat.
Since it locks your viewing direction, you must adjust your direction to face your opponent, then press the mouse button.
You can then move your mouse around to swing your weapon, while you use WASD to attack/evade blows.
When you need to adjust your viewing direction, temporarily depress the button to rotate view.
With practice it becomes totally automatic.
rtcvb32: It isn't about easy or not easy, it's about if it's natural. Moving your whole hand seems easier than overexerting and moving your hand/arm/fingers in unnatural ways. The click/drag may work fine on a touch screen (as that would be a similar effect) but on a computer it just doesn't mesh well. Also it wasn't explained that's how you do it.
petchema: I can explain how I do it, then. The trick is to not press the (right) mouse button just for the time of the swipe, but to keep it pressed almost all the time during combat.
Since it locks your viewing direction, you must adjust your direction to face your opponent, then press the mouse button.
You can then move your mouse around to swing your weapon, while you use WASD to attack/evade blows.
When you need to adjust your viewing direction, temporarily depress the button to rotate view.
With practice it becomes totally automatic.
Hmmm interesting.

When i get to downloading and trying this, i'll give it a go. Right now i have Venetica on my 'to play' and got through the first fight scene. (And personally she looks like Julia Roberts, it's almost funny).
petchema: That was not an option in classic, no.
Actually I do like this way of fighting, even if it takes some practice; But hey I played classic for quite some time.
I'm only using click-to-attack recently because I'm not playing on a desk, so my mouse sweeping is less than reliable ;)
rtcvb32: It isn't about easy or not easy, it's about if it's natural. Moving your whole hand seems easier than overexerting and moving your hand/arm/fingers in unnatural ways. The click/drag may work fine on a touch screen (as that would be a similar effect) but on a computer it just doesn't mesh well. Also it wasn't explained that's how you do it. I'd at one point made a AHK script to randomly swipe when i clicked to do the attack, but that was just a less-than-optimal workaround which didn't always work.
It wasn't explained? Did you read the manual? I remember having no problem with it in 97 when I first played it.
paladin181: It wasn't explained? Did you read the manual? I remember having no problem with it in 97 when I first played it.
I don't recall a manual, though it might have been how i eventually found out if not otherwise by brute force.
paladin181: It wasn't explained? Did you read the manual? I remember having no problem with it in 97 when I first played it.
rtcvb32: I don't recall a manual, though it might have been how i eventually found out if not otherwise by brute force.
It's an RPG from the mid '90s. Of course it has a manual. Even though the devs did make an attempt at putting a tutorial into the game, it was still pretty early days for things like that, and one was still expected to have at least skimmed the crucial sections of the manual.

There's an official Bethesda download here, assuming you don't already have the original (unmodded) GOG version of the game in your library (as that comes with various once-physical game documents as goodies). Even though there's some incorrect stuff in the manual (I no longer remember what), it's still worth at least a glance through if you're interested in the game -- but especially if you're about to play it.
HunchBluntley: There's an official Bethesda download here
Thank you for the link.
With this version I may want to give Daggerfall a retry.

I've played it in the past for quite a ways in, but eventually the too-many-bugs got me to throw in the towel.

Hopefully the worst bugs have been addressed in this version.
HunchBluntley: Even though the devs did make an attempt at putting a tutorial into the game
Which, of course, happens to be affected by a bug. Specifically, when you leave the starter dungeon, the tutorial says that it will continue when you reach a certain place, but it doesn't; it just stops there. Turns out, it *is* supposed to continue, but the tutorial quest is incorrectly removed when the main background quests (like the one that makes Daggerfall have ghosts at night) are added.

When even the *tutorial* has a bug, you know you have a buggy game.
Well then, as the UK lads say: "Bugger all!" ((;--))
HunchBluntley: Even though the devs did make an attempt at putting a tutorial into the game
dtgreene: Which, of course, happens to be affected by a bug. Specifically, when you leave the starter dungeon, the tutorial says that it will continue when you reach a certain place, but it doesn't; it just stops there. Turns out, it *is* supposed to continue, but the tutorial quest is incorrectly removed when the main background quests (like the one that makes Daggerfall have ghosts at night) are added.

When even the *tutorial* has a bug, you know you have a buggy game.
Did Daggerfall Unity fix that or is the tutorial still cut off?
SpellSword: Did Daggerfall Unity fix that or is the tutorial still cut off?
You can see the 11 screens (if I remember correctly) of the tutorial just fine. I don't remember that being an issue in classic either, but I've only played the community patched version of classic (DaggerfallSetup installer from Wiwiland/UESP, maybe it used to be broken I have no reason to doubt that).
As said before it's very barebone, some messages appearing at timed moments, and usually too late because timings are very pessimistic. Still worth going thru once, for its content.

It has not been improved by Daggerfall Unity, just adjusted here and there to take into account DFU differences. Replacing the classic tutorial altogether by something modernized and more interactive, probably as a mod, has been discussed several times, but it would be a significant effort to get right, both in terms of implementation and in terms of content. Personally I think it maybe requires knowledge about game design that we may be totally unaware of. If you have such knowledge, you're more than welcome to share your vision of the best way to introduce new players to the game (but maybe even this is overly naive, and that kind of stuff actually requires iterating to see what "works"?)
My main problem with DF is that it's impossible to play a pure mage, you just run out of mana too quickly.
Waganari: Skyrim, when?

(Sorry, I had to)
gog2002x: I'd buy it again here on GOG just for a DRM free copy though. :)
That's the spirit! ;]
Waganari: Skyrim, when?
Vythonaut: For those of us who are interested in it, let's hope it's part of the other surprises, as mentioned on the Summer Sale webpage. I'm ready for it.
Yeah, so am I. Ready to be disappointed. xD

Waganari: Skyrim, when?

(Sorry, I had to)
Gersen: When Bethesda will stop re-re-re-re-re-releassing... so around 2099 probably.
Damn right. And that's if we're lucky! T-T
Crosmando: My main problem with DF is that it's impossible to play a pure mage, you just run out of mana too quickly.
Not if you select the Spell Absorption advantage and use only area at range spells that include yourself in the area of effect. For whatever reason, the Spell Absorption advantage almost never works on enemy spells, but reliably works on your own.

(Note: Strategy may not work in Daggerfall Unity, as this is likely a bug in the original engine.)