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I started a ticket with the support (
one month ago and i dont have any news
i'm typing by an other gog account and btw i cant check the issue of the ticket because i dont have acces to my other account cause my actual adress is unavalaible.
So plz just tell me how long i have to wait or just a sign
Username Jolabricot
Post edited March 01, 2022 by Jolabitechaude
Jolabitechaude: snip
First, NEVER post your tickets' IDs publicly, as they can be used maliciously.

Second, try asking someone like u/SmollestLight or u/ponczo_ in DM, since they're staff members. They could help with your issue.
_Auster_: Second, try asking someone like u/SmollestLight or u/ponczo_ in DM, since they're staff members. They could help with your issue.
You must first change your privacy settings and set Autoriser les messages de: tout le monde.
use a d6 and that many months
Texted me today he need more information but thats a step