It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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vsr: At least it works in USSR (Eastern Berlin and surroundings). ;P
Tell it to the guys in charge of regional pricing ;)
Goodaltgamer: 1.) The walking dead is FSK 18, hence it is indexed,
That sentence makes no sense. Just because the FSK labels something as FSK18 it is not automatically indexed. Sorry, but this is not true at all.
Goodaltgamer: not by BDJM but by USK, still indexed. BDJM just did not add it to their list.
What's BDJM? Do you mean BPJM? And what has the USK to do with all this? Were talking about a tv series, right? The USK has NOTHING to do with movies or television productions AT ALL! And they NEVER add something to the index. They can't do that, it's not their purpose at all. Only the BPJM can decide that a movie, game or tv series gets indexed.
Post edited November 01, 2016 by seppelfred
Goodaltgamer: 1.) The walking dead is FSK 18, hence it is indexed,
seppelfred: That sentence makes no sense. Just because the FSk labels something as FSK18 it is not automatically indexed. Sorry, but this is not true at all.
Goodaltgamer: not by BDJM but by USK, still indexed. BDJM just did not add it to their list.
seppelfred: What's BDJM? Do you mean BPJM? And what has the USK to do with all this? Were talking about a Tv series, right? The USK has NOTHING to do with movies or television productions AT ALL! And they NEVER add something to the index. They can't do that, it's not their purpose at all. Only the BPJM can decide that a movie, game or tv series gets indexed.
In before he makes another rambling novel length reply, and posts a bunch of unrelated links to "correct" you. Calling it now.
Oh, and if we talk about "banned" computer games or movies in germany, posession is still legal.

"Der reine Besitz (Privatbesitz) ist nicht strafbar!
Auch das private Anschauen des beschlagnahmten Mediums ist ebenfalls nicht strafbar"
Post edited November 01, 2016 by seppelfred
Goodaltgamer: 1.) The walking dead is FSK 18, hence it is indexed,
seppelfred: That sentence makes no sense. Just because the FSK labels something as FSK18 it is not automatically indexed. Sorry, but this is not true at all.
Goodaltgamer: not by BDJM but by USK, still indexed. BDJM just did not add it to their list.
seppelfred: What's BDJM? Do you mean BPJM? And what has the USK to do with all this? Were talking about a tv series, right? The USK has NOTHING to do with movies or television productions AT ALL! And they NEVER add something to the index. They can't do that, it's not their purpose at all. Only the BPJM can decide that a movie, game or tv series gets indexed.
If you just want to show your ignorance fine:

Nicht gekennzeichnete Spiele werden grundsätzlich wie Spiele ohne Jugendfreigabe (18) behandelt (§ 12 Abs. 3 JuSchG)
To translate it that others understand YOUR ignorance as well:

Games without USK are by default handled as indexed games.

Do further prove your ignorance: I was only talking about games till some other ignorant like you derailed it.

Further as prove:

Unlike you and other ignorants I provide prove, you just talk, to cite another user, "bullshit.

If you do not understand it, I would suggest you do either some nice read up or get some professional help.
CharlesGrey: snip
See above, as you were the one saying bullshit, no proof from your side just bullshit, to quote you right there.
seppelfred: Oh, and if we talk about "banned" computer games or movies in germany, posession is still legal.

"Der reine Besitz (Privatbesitz) ist nicht strafbar!
Auch das private Anschauen des beschlagnahmten Mediums ist ebenfalls nicht strafbar"
I already posted something about this, explain a fairy tale to a judge. As you can only get those by braking the law it is a fairy tale.

See posts above.
EDIT: And do make it crystal clear to you dickheads:

I was posting about STGB 86, with to quote again a certain user:

CharlesGrey: In before he makes another rambling novel length reply, and posts a bunch of unrelated links to "correct" you. Calling it now.
Call yourself!!!!!!
Post edited November 01, 2016 by Goodaltgamer
Goodaltgamer: If you just want to show your ignorance fine:

Nicht gekennzeichnete Spiele werden grundsätzlich wie Spiele ohne Jugendfreigabe (18) behandelt (§ 12 Abs. 3 JuSchG)
To translate it that others understand YOUR ignorance as well:

Games without USK are by default handled as indexed games.
And once again you didn't get it right. "Ohne Jugendfreigabe" means only for adults. They can get indexed by the BPJM, but they are not until they decide to do so. But there is no automatism. They also can decide that the game will not be indexed. That has happened a few times. And they can ignore the title. Those games are NOT automatically indexed.
Goodaltgamer: Unlike you and other ignorants I provide prove, you just talk, to cite another user, "bullshit.
No, with every posting you prove that you don't understand what you are talking about. You obviously don't understand the sources that you quote.
Post edited November 01, 2016 by seppelfred
Goodaltgamer: snip
Not sure I should even poke this hornet's nest... but, since the thread's been already derailed so nicely:
The very own thing you quote, if quoted fully, reads:

"Nicht gekennzeichnete Spiele werden grundsätzlich wie Spiele ohne Jugendfreigabe (18) behandelt (§ 12 Abs. 3 JuSchG) und können von der Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien indiziert werden." (emphasis added)

Games receiving an USK 18 rating are by no means indexed by default.
Similarly, that law/paragraph you linked states (sorry for lengthy quote):

(3) Bildträger, die nicht oder mit "Keine Jugendfreigabe [...] gekennzeichnet sind, dürfen
1. einem Kind oder einer jugendlichen Person nicht angeboten, überlassen oder sonst zugänglich gemacht werden,
2. nicht im Einzelhandel außerhalb von Geschäftsräumen, in Kiosken oder anderen Verkaufsstellen, die Kunden nicht zu betreten pflegen, oder im Versandhandel angeboten oder überlassen werden.

Basically, just don't sell to minors and don't leave them littered about where some kids might snatch them up. Surely you realise that this very store sells plenty of 18+ games (The Witcher and TWD, among others).

Edit: USK/FSK - thanks for the hint Seppelfred.
Post edited November 01, 2016 by WildHobgoblin
WildHobgoblin: Games receiving an FSK 18 rating are by no means indexed by default.
USK, not FSK.
Post edited November 01, 2016 by seppelfred
Anime-BlackWolf: snip
Goodaltgamer: Just a short reply:
Read the links, I posted earlier, especially the ones having dejure in them, if you scroll to the bottom you will find a list of quite a few links to trials. Which really makes it clear that you also do NOT understand it. Possession is illegal.

im Inland verbreitet oder zur Verbreitung im Inland oder Ausland herstellt, vorrätig hält, einführt oder ausführt oder in Datenspeichern öffentlich zugänglich macht,
Is German even your native language? The keyword is "zur Verbreitung" and you have to read the sentence as "zur Verbreitung vorrätig hält". Distribution is illegal, possession is not.
SirPrimalform: The sad thing is that instead of a wake up call about DRM, most will just go "lol, EA" and go back to buying games on Steam.
Cadaver747: What are you suggesting exactly?

P.S. I dislike Steam, but for example I want to play Street Fighter 5. How many options I have? I can buy PS4 console and a game or buy just one more game on Steam. Boy i $@ck at SFV ;(
What I'm saying is that most people are oblivious to the ridiculous amounts of control they grant digital distributors. This is an example of abuse of that control, but most people won't connect it to the DRM.
seppelfred: snip
I give up on those ignorant spammers unable to read. I provided the links to laws, you just spew to quote one of you guys: Bullshit
Post edited November 01, 2016 by Goodaltgamer
Goodaltgamer: *snip*

Call yourself!!!!!!
From the rants, to the false claims, to the insults and finally the broken English, your posts are seriously face-palm inducing.

Also, as Terry Pratchett put it: 'Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.'
Goodaltgamer: snip
WildHobgoblin: Not sure I should even poke this hornet's nest... but, since the thread's been already derailed so nicely:
The very own thing you quote, if quoted fully, reads:

"Nicht gekennzeichnete Spiele werden grundsätzlich wie Spiele ohne Jugendfreigabe (18) behandelt (§ 12 Abs. 3 JuSchG) und können von der Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien indiziert werden." (emphasis added)

Games receiving an USK 18 rating are by no means indexed by default.
Similarly, that law/paragraph you linked states (sorry for lengthy quote):

(3) Bildträger, die nicht oder mit "Keine Jugendfreigabe [...] gekennzeichnet sind, dürfen
1. einem Kind oder einer jugendlichen Person nicht angeboten, überlassen oder sonst zugänglich gemacht werden,
2. nicht im Einzelhandel außerhalb von Geschäftsräumen, in Kiosken oder anderen Verkaufsstellen, die Kunden nicht zu betreten pflegen, oder im Versandhandel angeboten oder überlassen werden.

Basically, just don't sell to minors and don't leave them littered about where some kids might snatch them up. Surely you realise that this very store sells plenty of 18+ games (The Witcher and TWD, among others).

Edit: USK/FSK - thanks for the hint Seppelfred.
Not only, as this was anyway not what I was talking about: STGB 86 is worded different, that was just to show the ignorance of certain people spamming the thread with the not-knowing claim that FSK/USK 18 does not mean that they are not indexed. Indexed means precisely that they are not allowed to be in reach of -18 persons. But the index has other lists in them which call for other treatments. (described in my original post far more on top)

Starting from there:

And as you can see it was others always bringing something else up as they did not understand anything.
Nach § 15 Abs. 2 JuSchG unterliegen bestimmte Medieninhalte wegen ihrer offensichtlichen Jugendgefährdung schon kraft Gesetzes einer beschränkten Verbreitung, ohne dass es einer Aufnahme in die Liste der jugendgefährdenden Schriften bedürfte. Dazu zählen zum Beispiel

die nach dem StGB verbotenen Inhalte wie Volksverhetzung, Anleitung zu Straftaten, Gewaltverherrlichung und -verharmlosung, Aufstachelung zum Rassenhass, Pornographie,
Medien, die den Krieg verherrlichen oder
Kinder oder Jugendliche in unnatürlicher, geschlechtsbetonter Körperhaltung darstellen.

If you need links to look up the laws, I could provide
PaterAlf: snip
Back again to just spouting:

I gave you links about STGB 86, I gave you court trials you want to hold up with your unproven spouting fine with me but don't bother addressing useless stuff to me.

I gave you even a link where this Distribution is being described and how it is being handled. I even gave you an exact duplicate with a similar nehaviour (drugs). But if you just want to stay ignorant, fine with me
CharlesGrey: snip
I just re-quote yourself:

CharlesGrey: call bullshit
CharlesGrey: In before he makes another rambling novel length reply, and posts a bunch of unrelated links to "correct" you. Calling it now.
Nothing useful from your side at all. And what you post is really precisely matched in your own words.
CharlesGrey: to the false claims, to the insults
Funny, your words, you started it, I just quoted you.

Man that must hurt
Post edited November 01, 2016 by Goodaltgamer
Goodaltgamer: ... Man that must hurt
It is kind of painful to watch this unfold, actually, and yet strangely fascinating. You know, like a train wreck.
Hmm...a thread about blocking in Myanmar? This looks interesting, I wonder what I can learn from opening thi-