AlwaysStayGeeky: They are, well most of them are 4GB one is 3.99.
Downloaded on a very old pc for the 6th time, and it's saying now that the first bin isn't even there.
Did a quick screen of the files.
rtcvb32: 4Gb is just rounding, it would be 4G or larger, but historical filesize limits on Fat32 as well as chunks to burn for DVD likely primarily determine size.
I might have suggested doing a md5sum vs a listed source of them, but the integrity check probably does that already.
I'd really say delete the offending files, download 2-3 at a time, and try again and see if any others fail. Ones that haven't failed before (
like 6-8) shouldn't fail.
As a side note, there is a possibility of a failing hard drive depending on age and other factors. You might do a full hard drive disk check plus sector scan to detect any bad sectors and mark them from use. (
That could take several hours, so I suggest set it and start it when you go to bed).
Did all of that, almost brand new SSD and check comes out with no problems.
Like I said it's just here at GOG/Galaxy app that it wont work for some reason.
installer on Steam works fine, installer on Origin works fine..
and the whole bin 1 isn't there while I just redownloaded it, 2 times, first replaced it that deleted and downloaded it directly into the folder.
The Installer just wont see bin 1 now..
See why I'm getting a bit upset and frustrated? I just cant seem to find a solution.
AlwaysStayGeeky: seeing won't help....they seem to just ignore everybody whos getting the E9 error or having problems with the corrupted files...
sanscript: They're understaffed and swamped which only get worse every month so it's not that they won't help, they're probably just giving this a low priority.
As for the error, they did have some errors on their servers so that should be fixed, but you never know...
Further tips:
Install Galaxy and any games to any other directories than Program Files or any system folder. (in other words, NEVER into these directories.)
Shutdown or remove any antivirus software you might have.
Isn't an excuse for not giving anyone with the same error no Support.
They get enough money specially from Cyberpunk to hire new people.
To even just sit at home and handle the support page.
Hell I even got an email saying Is this Resolved than well close the case, they never even got to me?
They never replied, not once!
Galaxy app isn't working (hence the E9 error) and why I did the separate file thing...Like its saying on GOG.
Also, I said this before I already did do that I got no anti virus installed, its safe on the firewall and Runned it through administrator..
So yeah....hence my frustration not finding any support nor solutions driving me a bit crazy....