Posted August 15, 2017
Hi guys
I just wanted to say something here about dusk, namely that from a preview video I have seem it looks amazing!!
Color me surprised when I heard the developer name. I thought hey that sounds extremely familiar and yes is was indeed the same guy who made little but very cool indie games like The Moon Sliver and Fingerbones! But instead of a small, atmospheric story driven game, it's this time a old school fps that from the looks of it actually looks like it's getting what is fun about old fps! A thing most indie games promised but completely missunderstood.
What's even cooler is that he is or used to be regular on this forum as well!!! (I am not putting in more info because he might not like that, I just don't know)
So if he is still around: the game looks amazing! Good job and I am very interested in it. Do you have any info about price, release and the episode structure?
I just wanted to say something here about dusk, namely that from a preview video I have seem it looks amazing!!
Color me surprised when I heard the developer name. I thought hey that sounds extremely familiar and yes is was indeed the same guy who made little but very cool indie games like The Moon Sliver and Fingerbones! But instead of a small, atmospheric story driven game, it's this time a old school fps that from the looks of it actually looks like it's getting what is fun about old fps! A thing most indie games promised but completely missunderstood.
What's even cooler is that he is or used to be regular on this forum as well!!! (I am not putting in more info because he might not like that, I just don't know)
So if he is still around: the game looks amazing! Good job and I am very interested in it. Do you have any info about price, release and the episode structure?