Wishbone: Single digit price?!
I get that $60 is a lot of money, but it also appears to be a hell of a lot of game. To insist on paying less than $10 for it seems to be... Well, taking the piss, basically.
Starkrun: 80 quintilion planets to explorer with auto loading numerical logic meaning real time infinite world generation and saving of data with only text being used to transfer the data from client to server...
this also means offline near instantaneous updates from your game to server (if you choose)
if every person on planet earth and every person that will be played it non-stop and explored every planet a second the universe would burn out before they were all explored...
with that said... $60 is a damn good deal... also the life generator has nearly as many combinations... thats LIFE not mechanical life that also exists and if we talk about plants then thats even more randomness to speak about..
and they are no where near done with the game, there is far more to come!
And.. THAT's all that hubbub.
We/they can write any story they like - it's all fiction (or at least semi-fiction) until it comes out.
THEN we'll be able to see if it lives up to all that hype you just said.
auto loading numerical logic .." Whoa, never heard that one before - ever, for any game. Sounds totally ADVANCED!!!!
if every person on planet earth and every person that will be played it non-stop and explored every planet a second the universe would burn out before they were all explored... "
So we're told. Kind of a hard to to prove either right or wrong though, eh? Especially when it isn't out and can be verified hopefully in some fashion.
Seriously, I hope it lives up to all that hype (or at least
enough of it to be worthwhile). But for now it's pretty easy to say all kinds of wonderful things about it - that we have no idea if true. Time will tell. For now it's all one big hype train to me..