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high rated
amok: edit - I stopped reading there, ...
Now the next step would be to not only stop reading, but also stop posting here. If you don't like the thread, no one is forcing you to participate in it. It has it's use for some of us, but not for you. You made that clear years ago. So I really wonder why you feel the need to keep coming back.
amok: Just beacuse a post is low rated, does not mean it is not right.
BrianSim: In your case, re-reading your infantile temper-tantrums in posts 86-137 and you were low-rated by literally everyone because of your (ongoing) incessant thread-crapping. After pages of that trying to shut down the thread for everyone and with zero positive contributions, if you don't like this thread then GTFO and create your own list.
haha, no. i never tried to get the thread shut down. please tell me when I did that :)

edit - I would very much like this thread to continue, I need the laughs.
amok: edit - I stopped reading there, ...
Lifthrasil: Now the next step would be to not only stop reading, but also stop posting here. If you don't like the thread, no one is forcing you to participate in it. It has it's use for some of us, but not for you. You made that clear years ago. So I really wonder why you feel the need to keep coming back.
As long as people post silly things, then I like responding to it, it find it funny (and this thread is often funny, I find it entertaining).. If you stop posting silly things, then i will most likely stop responding to them as well
Post edited July 17, 2024 by amok
high rated
amok: edit - I stopped reading there, ...
Lifthrasil: Now the next step would be to not only stop reading, but also stop posting here. If you don't like the thread, no one is forcing you to participate in it. It has it's use for some of us, but not for you. You made that clear years ago. So I really wonder why you feel the need to keep coming back.
I think you would have a better chance of asking the sun not to rise in the morning. The Internet has shown that people need to complain about things they don't like, the fact that they could just ignore something or move on to something seems to just escalate the desire to complain.
Lifthrasil: Now the next step would be to not only stop reading, but also stop posting here. If you don't like the thread, no one is forcing you to participate in it. It has it's use for some of us, but not for you. You made that clear years ago. So I really wonder why you feel the need to keep coming back.
wolfsite: I think you would have a better chance of asking the sun not to rise in the morning. The Internet has shown that people need to complain about things they don't like, the fact that they could just ignore something or move on to something seems to just escalate the desire to complain.
I know. A difference in opinion is a dangerous thing, isn't it? If only we could keep that groupthink going undisturbed.
high rated
amok: haha, no. i never tried to get the thread shut down. please tell me when I did that :)
You've repeated the same troll pattern over & over long enough that everyone can see exactly what you're doing. You 'pretend' to 'seek' an objective unbiased definition of what "actually" DRM is. When someone does exactly that (AB2012's post 1513), you literally barely 3 minutes later just ignore every word and double-down on either hating other people, or posting complete off-topic irrelevancies. Then you go quiet for a while, then a few months later start up again pretending to "seek" the "answer" (you just ignored) that "no-one" has given you for the 9th time in a row in the least convincing manner possible. From now on every single obviously intentional thread-crapping post you make here needs to be flagged as being no less spam that what floods the main forum until the mods get sick enough of your drama queen antics you get an involuntary vacation from it.
high rated
wolfsite: I think you would have a better chance of asking the sun not to rise in the morning. The Internet has shown that people need to complain about things they don't like, the fact that they could just ignore something or move on to something seems to just escalate the desire to complain.
amok: I know. A difference in opinion is a dangerous thing, isn't it? If only we could keep that groupthink going undisturbed.
The problem isn't having a difference of opinion, the problem comes from repeating yourself over and over to the point where people will just dismiss you leaving you with a reputation of just being a complainer meaning that people will not read your posts, they will just say "Oh there is the complainer again", dismiss you and continue with what they are doing.

Red Dragon is a perfect example of this as they are pretty much labelled as the "Achievement complainer" and some openly mock in certain threads showing they don't really read or take them seriously anymore.
high rated
amok: As long as people post silly things, then I like responding to it, it find it funny (and this thread is often funny, I find it entertaining).. If you stop posting silly things, then i will most likely stop responding to them as well
It is called derailing and off topic for a reason and it is against GOG's TOC. I strongly suggest you to stop or I would be forced to contact GOG about it because in opposite to whatever you said I find this thread in fact very useful as many here and don't want it to get derailed by someone who simply likes to discuss semantics instead of contributing to the cause. As it has been said - if you think it's useless, that is fine. So there is absolutely no need at all for you to continue reading or posting here. This thread is at least as useless as your comments about it.
Post edited July 17, 2024 by MarkoH01
amok: As long as people post silly things, then I like responding to it, it find it funny (and this thread is often funny, I find it entertaining).. If you stop posting silly things, then i will most likely stop responding to them as well
MarkoH01: It is called derailing and off topic for a reason and it is against GOG's TOC. I strongly suggest you to stop or I would be forced to contact GOG about it because in opposite to whatever you said I find this thread in fact very useful as many here and don't want it to get derailed by someone who simply likes to discuss semantics instead of contributing to the cause. As it has been said - if you think it's useless, that is fine. So there is absolutely no need at all for you to continue reading or posting here. This thread is at least as useless as your comments about it.
This thread is about DRM free single player games, I am asking how you define DRM and very much enaging in a debate about what DRM is. This is very much on topic of this thread.

I also find your discussion on what you think DRM is at times very silly, but this is still on the topic of this thread.

If the fact that what I say does not agree with you, does not mean that I (for once...I have been known to, and have no problems with, derailing threads) am actually on topic.

I also find it funny that you feels so threatened about my views, and my vocalization (!) of what I think is DRM, and why I think you are wrong - that you do not have any other response to them but to threaten me with moderation to make me shut up. Nice.
Post edited July 18, 2024 by amok
high rated
amok: This thread is about DRM free single player games, I am asking how you define DRM and very much enaging in a debate about what DRM is. This is very much on topic of this thread.
This thread is NOT about the definition of DRM-free games and the discussion of what qualifies. It is meant to LIST games that meet the criteria mentioned in the OP. Therefore the whole discussion is OT. If you are really that keen on continuing it please do so in a seperate own thread.

amok: I also find it funny that you feels so threatened about my views, and my vocalization (!) of what I think is DRM, and why I think you are wrong - that you do not have any other response to them but to threaten me with moderation to make me shut up. Nice.
I do not feel threatened, I feel annoyed that you apparently can't stop discussing what DRM is even after having been told multiple times to stop it. Moderation is actually meant to prevent such derailing among others. You have been asked to stop it nicely and I would prefer it this way as well but if you don't GOG should decide if what you are doing is off topic and disturbing the discussion or not. Take a look at the thread and you will see that almost every post is about a game that meets the criteria in the OP (It does not even matter if you think that it is DRM or not since the definitions that are valid for this thread are clearly posted at the beginning) and not about the question of what should qualify as being DRM. This should be proof enough for you to see that your discussion is off topic - even though you apparently don't see it this way - and derailing. Like I said: feel free to create your own discussion thread about the question "What is DRM?" if you think that these semantics are so important - but please let us list here the games that qualify acccording to the OP's definition.
Post edited July 18, 2024 by MarkoH01
amok: This thread is about DRM free single player games, I am asking how you define DRM and very much enaging in a debate about what DRM is. This is very much on topic of this thread.
MarkoH01: This thread is NOT about the definition of DRM-free games and the discussion of what qualifies. It is meant to LIST games that meet the criteria mentioned in the OP. Therefore the whole discussion is OT. If you are really that keen on continuing it please do so in a seperate own thread.

What are those "criteria mentioned in the OP"?

All i can see is

1 - "games that aren't really 100% DRM-free" - whatever that may be. This is where a clarity of what DRM is is needed to be able to say wheter a game is "100%" DRM free or not. If not, then it becomes completely subjective and meanigless. In itself that is a silly statement. To be DRM free or not is a clear dichotomy, it is not something that is placed on a scale (which a 100% is). Either a piece of software have DRM, or it does not. It is like saying your a a little bit pregnant, or a little bit dead.

2 - "'soft' or 'only cosmetic' DRM, that don't really affect the gameplay". - again, whatever that may be.. What the heck is "soft DRM"? .

These are very unclear, incorrect, aand completely open to interpretation. I find the OP completely useless in defining anything that is usefull for this thread, which is why i question it. This is why this thread so often do not talk about DRM, but rather "Things I do not like in games".

If the purpose of this thread is to not talk about DRM, but rather "List of single player games with things I do not like", then that would have been perfectly fine.
Post edited July 18, 2024 by amok
high rated
amok: This thread is about DRM free single player games, I am asking how you define DRM and very much enaging in a debate about what DRM is. This is very much on topic of this thread.
Nobody here asked your opinion about what DRM is.
Everybody already knows what you think about DRM.
We. Just. Don’t. Care.
amok: This thread is about DRM free single player games, I am asking how you define DRM and very much enaging in a debate about what DRM is. This is very much on topic of this thread.
vv221: Nobody here asked your opinion about what DRM is.
Everybody already knows what you think about DRM.
We. Just. Don’t. Care.
In addition to the post bove, can I also just want to point out that the OP states:

"Please tell us of all examples that you know of - and correct me, if I unjustly deem a game as DRM-ed."

And that is exactly what i am doing, I am telling you that you are wrong, you are " unjustly" deeming several games as being DMR'd, when they are not, because you have no clarity (or understanding) about what DRM is.
Post edited July 18, 2024 by amok
high rated
OK. Just for clarity: I myself deem anything DRM-ed, that contains Digital Rights Management. (That is, surprisingly, the technology that standy behind the acronym). That means, any content where the right to use it needs to be verified. In the case of this thread, I restrict the list to single-player content.

And I couple it with the promise of GOG, that Galaxy would always be optional. Galaxy is in no way technologically necessary for single-player games. So if there is any single player content that requires Galaxy, I consider that DRM. And a breach of the 'always optional' promise. If some single player content, no matter how big or small, requires an online connection to be used, that's a clear case of DRM. It is a digital restriction of content usage.

Or in other words: 100% DRM-free is only a game that you can copy to a completely offline computer and run it without any reduction of content.

So far my definition.

Where it indeed becomes blurry is when a bug restricts content and is fixed in the Galaxy version but not in the offline installers. That effectively leads to reduced content of the offline version compared to the online verified version and as such is DRM. Be it intentional or not. So there is room for discussion. Or one can just include these instances in the list and remove them, once the accidental DRM (= content reducing bug) is fixed in the offline version.
high rated
amok: These are very unclear, incorrect, aand completely open to interpretation. I find the OP completely useless in defining anything that is usefull for this thread, which is why i question it. This is why this thread so often do not talk about DRM, but rather "Things I do not like in games".
The only thing about this thread that falls under "things I do not like in games" is that we don't like DRM. It's not hard to understand what is and isn't DRM.

If you are required to have and be logged into GOG Galaxy, it's DRM.
If you are required to have and be logged into an online account with the developer, it's DRM.
If you are required to have and be logged into an online account with the publisher, it's DRM.
If you are required to have and be logged into a Twitch account, it's DRM.
It you are required to be online, it's DRM.

As for why we don't want DRM in our games - it doesn't matter. Nobody gets to be The Gatekeeper of Anti-DRM and decide who has a valid reason for not wanting DRM and who doesn't.
high rated
amok: These are very unclear, incorrect, aand completely open to interpretation. I find the OP completely useless in defining anything that is usefull for this thread, which is why i question it. This is why this thread so often do not talk about DRM, but rather "Things I do not like in games".
Catventurer: The only thing about this thread that falls under "things I do not like in games" is that we don't like DRM. It's not hard to understand what is and isn't DRM.

If you are required to have and be logged into GOG Galaxy, it's DRM.
If you are required to have and be logged into an online account with the developer, it's DRM.
If you are required to have and be logged into an online account with the publisher, it's DRM.
If you are required to have and be logged into a Twitch account, it's DRM.
It you are required to be online, it's DRM.

As for why we don't want DRM in our games - it doesn't matter. Nobody gets to be The Gatekeeper of Anti-DRM and decide who has a valid reason for not wanting DRM and who doesn't.
Well said!