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Magnitus: btw, apparently, Prison Architect has some kind of issue (see reviews and forum thread):

I will have to check what the implications of this launcher are, but it doesn't bode well.

If my offline installer no longer works, I will never buy a Paradox game again. Between their insane dlc policies and this, f*ck them.
No problem with the game. Just tried the newest offline installer without internet connectioin.
Yes. there are files for the installation of a launcher and if you clcik the shortcut the launcher will be installed and launched. However you can either click directly on the executable and don't even install the launcher or you can start the launcher and all it does is to tell you that you are offline and not logged into your account (never created a paradox account so no surprise here ;)) - you can then still simply chose to play. So the launcher is avoidable and does not prevent you from playing the game at all.

I went online again and started the game and the result is shown in the screenshot in the attachment. No login and still able to play.
Post edited July 10, 2024 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: No problem with the game. Just tried the newest offline installer without internet connectioin.
Yes. there are files for the installation of a launcher and if you clcik the shortcut the launcher will be installed and launched. However you can either click directly on the executable and don't even install the launcher or you can start the launcher and all it does is to tell you that you are offline and not logged into your account (never created a paradox account so no surprise here ;)) - you can then still simply chose to play. So the launcher is avoidable and does not prevent you from playing the game at all.

I went online again and started the game and the result is shown in the screenshot in the attachment. No login and still able to play.
Glad, to hear it, thanks :).

I guess I should put that game on my roadmap, finish it and write a review to clear up that situation.

I misjudged Paradox on that one for the drm.
Post edited July 10, 2024 by Magnitus
MarkoH01: No problem with the game. Just tried the newest offline installer without internet connectioin.
Yes. there are files for the installation of a launcher and if you clcik the shortcut the launcher will be installed and launched. However you can either click directly on the executable and don't even install the launcher or you can start the launcher and all it does is to tell you that you are offline and not logged into your account (never created a paradox account so no surprise here ;)) - you can then still simply chose to play. So the launcher is avoidable and does not prevent you from playing the game at all.

I went online again and started the game and the result is shown in the screenshot in the attachment. No login and still able to play.
Magnitus: Glad, to hear it, thanks :).

I guess I should put that game on my roadmap, finish it and write a review to clear up that situation.

I misjudged Paradox on that one for the drm.
You're welcome :)
You have a roadmap for your backlog? I guess I should make one as well. Then again I will probably end up disregarding the road map and try to find my way on my own :D
Post edited July 10, 2024 by MarkoH01
Magnitus: Glad, to hear it, thanks :).

I guess I should put that game on my roadmap, finish it and write a review to clear up that situation.

I misjudged Paradox on that one for the drm.
MarkoH01: You're welcome :)
You have a roadmap for your backlog? I guess I should make one as well. Then again I will probably end up disregarding the road map and try to find my way on my own :D
I don't have a roadmap either.... I have an excel spreadsheet!
MarkoH01: You're welcome :)
You have a roadmap for your backlog? I guess I should make one as well. Then again I will probably end up disregarding the road map and try to find my way on my own :D
Informal one in my head. I was playing X-Com 1 to get to X-Com 2 to troubleshoot the issue, but I might put that on the backburner now that it is resolved as I'm less in the mood for a tactical these days.

Will get back to playing 'Technocide' and I'll write a review once I'm done (game looked neat and it feels like it needs some love in the review section), although that may take a bit as I don't have that much time to play and the game is giving me a run for my money. After that, 'Pepper Grinder' (was eyeing it for a while and I paid full price for it so I ought to play it). After that, ' Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical' as I'm curious was a musical feels like in a game. After that, 'Still Joking' while I'm on a roll with adventure games, it looks interesting and might need some love in the reviews section.

I guess I'll insert 'Prison Architect' in there somewhere.
Post edited July 10, 2024 by Magnitus

Issue with Doom 3 resolved. Might be possible to creep in again.

Issue with Doom 3 resolved. Might be possible to creep in again.
Thank you for staying vigilant! But good to know that it has been resolved for now.
AB2012: From the OP : "I will also include instances of 'soft' or 'only cosmetic' DRM, that don't really affect the gameplay. So everyone is free to decide for themselves whether the DRM (or not-really-DRM) reported is bad for them or not." Bottom line - people want DRM-Free games to get away from unnecessary accounts, launchers, online-gated content, etc, and still want to be aware of this stuff whether it affects gameplay or not.
If we're including completely optional accounts on standard launchers tons of games have then this thread is useless. I'm replaying Dragon Age Origins right now and it has the same exact thing.
AB2012: From the OP : "I will also include instances of 'soft' or 'only cosmetic' DRM, that don't really affect the gameplay. So everyone is free to decide for themselves whether the DRM (or not-really-DRM) reported is bad for them or not." Bottom line - people want DRM-Free games to get away from unnecessary accounts, launchers, online-gated content, etc, and still want to be aware of this stuff whether it affects gameplay or not.
StingingVelvet: If we're including completely optional accounts on standard launchers tons of games have then this thread is useless. I'm replaying Dragon Age Origins right now and it has the same exact thing.
This thread is useless, it has nothing to do with DRM. They also include for example bugs into it as DRM.

This thread is the prefect example how DRM as a concept has lost its meaning, and for some people just means "things I dont like in games" today..
Post edited July 17, 2024 by amok
high rated
StingingVelvet: If we're including completely optional accounts on standard launchers tons of games have then this thread is useless. I'm replaying Dragon Age Origins right now and it has the same exact thing.
The thread isn't 'useless' at all as long as it's explained in detail what the issue is. For BG3, "Twitch drops which require Galaxy and a connected Larian account. And Twitch of course" means at least some content is gated online behind those accounts. Clearly that isn't the case with DAO Ultimate where all content is included offline (inc minor "Feastday gifts" DLC with no accounts needed). So it's rather odd why you chose DAO as an example of why "this thread sucks" when that game isn't even on the list.

At the end of the day the criteria behind "optional launchers" is "is any content is gated online", not "If I'm uninterested in optional content, then no-one else should be either and we can pretend it isn't there", ie, DRM is the *process* of accessing something, not people's 'feelings' regarding its perceived importance to 'core gameplay'. If Lifthrasil's thread isn't exactly to people's liking, they are of course free to create and maintain their own alternative thread on the subject. In my experience of both maintaining a couple of lists here in the past (DRM-Free Epic Games that can be played without the launcher) as well as re-reading the names behind all the "Low Rated" posts on pages 1-2 here by those instinctively rushed to attack the thread's mere existence from day 1 (and who still hang around attacking it 31 pages later contributing nothing helpful), very few such critics are ever willing to put in the effort to maintaining a 'correct' version themselves (that would still end up highly subjective)...
Post edited July 17, 2024 by AB2012
AB2012: [...] very few such critics are ever willing to put in the effort to maintaining a 'correct' version themselves (that would still end up highly subjective)...
There is a way to make subjective concept (such as "What is DRM?") into objective criteria - you define the concept. When you define a subject, you then create the criteria which are objective and you can then use to meassure what-ever to.

So if you do not want a thread like this degrading into lot of pontless pondering and subjective whatsits, you start from saying "For the purpose of this thread, DRM is going to be defined as [...}" and that's it, the topic of the thread will no longer be subjective, but each game will be objectively meassured against the opening statement.

But that means that people would need to stop and think about what DRM actually is, and no longer just use whatever they "feeeel" is bad about a game and calle it DRM.... and that would be bad, wouldn't it?
Post edited July 17, 2024 by amok
high rated
I'd say don't bother explaining to the same people who refuse to get it and just keep saying the same thing each time.
I mean, it should be a very simple concept, if there's any sort of difference whatsoever in single player between what you get if you install the offline installer and play on a computer that's either not connected or has a firewall that won't allow connections, and you also don't have or at least don't enter any unique keys or any other such identifiers unless they're actually included in the game files, then the game is DRMed. The difference might as well be fixing a typo in a sentence, doesn't matter. If any difference exists, it's DRMed.
high rated
amok: There is a way to make subjective concept (such as "What is DRM?") into objective criteria - you deffine the concept. When you define a subject, you then create the criteria which re objective and you can then use to meassure what-ever to.
The whole thing was already explained to you when you spent most of the first 3 pages trying to derail and thread-crap this list with universally "low rated" posts - Games where at least some content is online-only and "gate-kept" behind a launcher are included. Game's where the "launcher" is a glorified offline config utility aren't (DAO). Games with former "But it's only cosmetic (tm) / former pre-order bonuses", eg, Bioshock Infinite, Dishonored, Deus Ex:HR, The Talos Principle, Oblivion, etc, also aren't on the list because their "minor pre-bonus content" (Columbia's Finest, Void Walkers Arsenel, Explosive Mission Packs, alternative Elohim Voice, Horse Armor) are all included in full in the game's offline installer (as they should be on a DRM-Free store). But game's where minor DLC is online-only gated behind an online connection are on the list.

It's not that hard to figure out the obvious objective differences once you look beyond the uselessly subjective "Anything I feel is unimportant shouldn't be included and no-one else should like what I dislike" at the more objective "What's Preservable Offline" (ie, what can be reinstalled in years to come in a post-GOG world where there is no Galaxy / the game's DLC servers have long been closed). Welcome to the whole point of DRM-Free in the first place. As I said back in post 104, the thread is for those who want to be aware of games with non-preservable content - not an ego-p*ssing contest for those who don't care about the content they're arguing over but just want to sit there and derail the thread for everyone.

Cavalary: I'd say don't bother explaining to the same people who refuse to get it and just keep saying the same thing each time.
Yeah, I'm well aware some people addicted to arguing for the sake of arguing pretend to be more stupid than they actually are. I'm posting it mainly for others to not get sucked into the troll-bait.
Post edited July 17, 2024 by AB2012
amok: There is a way to make subjective concept (such as "What is DRM?") into objective criteria - you deffine the concept. When you define a subject, you then create the criteria which re objective and you can then use to meassure what-ever to.
AB2012: The whole thing was already explained to you when you spent most of the first 3 pages trying to derail and thread-crap this list with universally "low rated" posts [...]
Just beacuse a post is low rated, does not mean it is not right. That type of argument is a fallacy :)

(a variation off the ad populum fallacy, if you want the correct term).

edit - I stopped reading there, If tthe opening statment is a fallcy, i do not give much credit to the rest.
Post edited July 17, 2024 by amok
high rated
amok: Just beacuse a post is low rated, does not mean it is not right.
In your case, re-reading your infantile temper-tantrums in posts 86-137 and you were low-rated by literally everyone because of your (ongoing) incessant thread-crapping. After pages of that trying to shut down the thread for everyone and with zero positive contributions, if you don't like this thread then GTFO and create your own list.