JohnWalrus: Pay attention to the title and the name of the file; it's a clue. Also, thanks! :D
Timelord1963: Hehe, I guess there's a bit of artwork borrowing going on - it used to happen with library books, our Urdu Asian language books were sometimes priceless for having blatantly nicked posters or DVD covers from Western films like Indiana Jones, Titanic and using them on a random story as it's 'original' cover art, still with exact likenesses of Harrison Ford or whoever :D
Here's what I thought it was - I'm curious which game nicked it/ it nicked from! :)
Oh, I can see the resemblance. I'm not sure if they borrowed the stance, I just think it's a common pose for video games. But that's really funny! I remember seeing this foreign family health book that had Nicolas Cage from Raising Arizona on it XD By the way, the gun in the guy's hand is a (poorly) drawn shotgun, not a minigun. I'll give you guys a hint: it's a Playstation game!