iBodyguard: Hello DCT,
That sounds great, only I do not see any 'More' button anywhere to click on in my page. Please send me link if possible, or what other way around this problem?
Awaiting your reply... Thank you!
Randalator: Click on the game first, then More -> GOG Downloader Links.
Hello Randalator,
From the pics you can see that my page displays differently than yours and DCT's for some reason, and when I click on the 'View Downloads' all I get is what is shown in pic 2...
However, after further viewing DCT's lower lefthand corner of his pic, I noticed he displayed a link, and tried that, which then shoots it over to the Downloader! Success! So thank you both... From now on I suppose I must enter the game name in link first, to then bypass the fancy displays (and More button) which are not shown on my Mac OS X, Safari.
Thanks again for your help!