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Has wizardry 6+7 come up on 3rd round yet? I'm hoping I haven't missed it
Meh I took the plunge and got Inquisitor, I am noxing and inquisting
Micro-BIOS: More than six years in GOG and you didn't know about the insomnia threads? That's the best part of GOG.
tinflowers: What can I say, I stick to my own little world....
Welcome... to the real world.
chaosherpes: Has wizardry 6+7 come up on 3rd round yet? I'm hoping I haven't missed it
No it hasn't according to this list:

Edit: Ninja'd by the front page :P
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ElTerprise
stg83: Sacre Bleu! I was out for the day and I keane't believe I missed so many chances for potential crits on games that I was wishfully thinking to have (Yeah right! as if I would ever be so lucky). :P
You missed crit attempt Wasteland 2 :(
hummer010: I probably can't do that. I wasn't a backer, I traded for my kickstarter edition key.
It really depends on the dev/pub. I "backed" TRI only in the sense that I bought it when it was still a beta. They were nice enough to give me a GOG key when the game was pulled from Desura, as I wanted to keep it DRM-free. I technically still had it DRM-free because I also have it on IGS, but I wanted it on one of the services I keep large collections on. So it was a kindness that they gave me a GOG key as well.
Tekkaman-James: Looks like the RNG has been updated. Inquisitor was much further down the list than they usually jump. Could this also be a sign of how the new algorithm will work once the Seasoned games finish up? Hmm...
There have been a few outliers in each round. Entomorph, for example, jumped big from round 1 to round 2.

At this point I'd say it's too soon to say it's a pattern and not just an outlier, but then I haven't updated my own tracker since 12 hours ago.
Seasoned deal: Wizardry 6+7 (-75%) [200]
Lol nevermind, finally there it is and I didn't miss it this time!
Good evening :)
Did I miss Pier Solar again?
hummer010: I probably can't do that. I wasn't a backer, I traded for my kickstarter edition key.
IAmSinistar: It really depends on the dev/pub. I "backed" TRI only in the sense that I bought it when it was still a beta. They were nice enough to give me a GOG key when the game was pulled from Desura, as I wanted to keep it DRM-free. I technically still had it DRM-free because I also have it on IGS, but I wanted it on one of the services I keep large collections on. So it was a kindness that they gave me a GOG key as well.
If i may ask what's TRI?
Updated my Seasoned round 3 list if anyone needs it
Klumpen0815: 600 x $17.99 = $10794
Holy moly....
madth3: I see $11.99.
Still only 2 dollars store credit, that's mean.
mattymuc: Good evening :)
Did I miss Pier Solar again?
No still coming: