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moonshineshadow: Meh... It told me "Critical Hit" for Sir, you are being hunted but when I clicked to continue I got a gogbear -.- And now it is just telling me I could buy it...
Not fair... but at least it was only for a game I was trying to get a giftcode for.
MrDrWatson: I got the same now for Banished, does it count as a critical? Can I truly say that I was one of the lucky ones? :-)
At least we got a glimpse of a freebie :D
gamesfreak64: thats right, it was, but i been around for a while and in my time there was never >5 bucks difference, so i still dont get the leaving... usually it was 1 or 2 bucks at most.
Klumpen0815: Nope, I've seen differences of $5-$10 even without the ridiculous Russian discount taken into account.

One example from the UK:

It was quite extreme at the beginning of regional pricing here and would probably still be if the € hadn't dropped so badly.
i saw it: 52 something dollars

now the euros price is : €39.98 for the both

however these games do tend to be on sale on lots of sitesbetween 5 and 10 euros

euros is so low because europe has been scr_wed over when the euro arrived, the wages were halved (a bit more than half) to compensate I guess, i think we had for 1 year (maybe less) adapted prices because of the euro, after a short while, bang, all went back to beiing normal priced, and became less affordable thanks to our government who jumps if brussels tell them to do, and thats quite sad.
Ofcourse governments will never admit to any mistakes,they expect their country men to do it but they wont do it themselves.

While we had our own currency (guilders) we were quite solid, but 2002 ended all that and now we are a bunch of loosers. Netherland and europe down the drain ... and it gets worse... dont believe the rumor that we are getting back on our feet again, thats political nonsense.
yyahoo: Are some people just coming around after a sale ends yelling "I missed it!" in the hopes of being gifted?
I won't say it doesn't happen...
high rated
budejovice: Wish I was less busy at work. I haven't even started downloading a game I bought during this sale. :)

(Haven't played anything in nearly a week...)
winelandv: This. Also, 17 day old at home. Things are a little crazy. :)
Wow! And you're braving Insomnia? Lucky little gamer in the making. :) (Congrats!)
Has anyone played Banished? If so is it any good? Also how do you remove those notification numbers next to your account tab? I have six updates to games but the number will not go away.
Crol3993: Just a question: how much have you spend on those sales? I'm wondering if my budget was too high or low comparing to others because I see a lot of people offering gift to others (which is really nice from them but I'm wondering )
Only Euro 25 (about USD 27). I've spent way too much on games during the last couple of months :P But I still have a bit of a backlog and ... 19 gift codes to trade or give away.
yyahoo: Are some people just coming around after a sale ends yelling "I missed it!" in the hopes of being gifted?
IAmSinistar: I won't say it doesn't happen...
Ack! I missed Flight of the Amazon Queen! :P
yyahoo: Are some people just coming around after a sale ends yelling "I missed it!" in the hopes of being gifted?
IAmSinistar: I won't say it doesn't happen...
Oh drat! I missed.... uhhh... Where's the list again? I'll tell you what I missed.
yyahoo: Are some people just coming around after a sale ends yelling "I missed it!" in the hopes of being gifted?
BobbyTastic: That's a bit cynical, but I don't know. I'm sure a good amount of the people saying "Damn, I missed it" would pay the sale price for a gifted copy someone has. Like I'm sure that Dreamfall guy wasn't expecting to get a copy for free.

That said, yeah, you might have a beggar looking for sympathy in the midst. I don't think they would try that for any game above $2 though.
Yup. I did say I was willing to get something else roughly the same price to trade for Dreamfall, if I someone had it.

Dammit, aren't forums on the internet supposed to be used to type stuff that goes through your mind at the time?
MrDrWatson: I got the same now for Banished, does it count as a critical? Can I truly say that I was one of the lucky ones? :-)
moonshineshadow: At least we got a glimpse of a freebie :D
Not vouching for this but try this but you have to do it quick since you get a sort of ticket when you press the buy now button, it doesn't just disappear if you navigate away. Anyway go to your history and check out the page you got a hit from. It should end in some sort of code. If you're lucky you can keep going from there.
justanoldgamer: Has anyone started playing a game they bought during this sale?
I loaded Grimlock 2 and applied the patch but haven't actually launched it - have spent the last 3 nights enjoying Defender's Quest. So yes! I've played one!

The other 5 games I bought so far are all sitting untouched for now.
ericmachado70: Has anyone played Banished? If so is it any good? Also how do you remove those notification numbers next to your account tab? I have six updates to games but the number will not go away.
Click on the updated games in your shelf, and the numbers will eventually go away.
IAmSinistar: Seasoned: Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (-75%) [200]
Klumpen0815: I feel so damn old when stuff like this is called "seasoned"...
Some of the stuff in the Seasoned section is newer than things in the Fresh section though. Some of it makes no sense.