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evanmv13: Good morning, everyone! I hope that I didn't miss too much. Does anyone know if deus ex is still in the pool?
Deus Ex splashed everyone else and got pushed out of the pool.
You'll just have to hope for a Seasoned Round 4, I'm afraid.
evanmv13: Good morning, everyone! I hope that I didn't miss too much. Does anyone know if deus ex is still in the pool?
Getcomposted: Deus Ex splashed everyone else and got pushed out of the pool.
You'll just have to hope for a Seasoned Round 4, I'm afraid.
There is no Round 4 though.
evanmv13: Good morning, everyone! I hope that I didn't miss too much. Does anyone know if deus ex is still in the pool?
I'm pretty sure that's gone already.
Matruchus: And Oldies weekend promo just started:
GOG is doing bad things for my sanity here.
And my bank balance.
HypersomniacLive: You've never watched Merry Christmas Mr Laurence?! You need to rectify that a.s.a.p., my friend!! ;-)
See how much catching up I have to do? I'm 150 or so posts behind :P
HypersomniacLive: Please don't get me wrong, I understand that people have different sleeping needs, and everyone should sleep as many hours as they actually need. It never was a big thing for me; I always liked staying up late at night and I don't nap in the afternoons - I hated it as a child, and every time I tried as an adult, I just got out of bed irritated after tossing and turning for almost an hour.
No problem :)
I saw so many people saying seriously "You don't need to sleep that much, that's not normal", glad to see understanding people :)
I wish I could sleep less, and naps are sometimes hard for me : I have the feeling to loose time if I make one (because it's "taking" day time). No speaking about the fact it's not always easy to make one and have time for it.
I understand you well ;) And I agree, everybody should have the pace of life they need.
HypersomniacLive: You've never watched Merry Christmas Mr Laurence?! You need to rectify that a.s.a.p., my friend!! ;-)
Tarnicus: See how much catching up I have to do? I'm 150 or so posts behind :P
I only use flight mode to catch up and the occasional page-travelling when posting ;)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ElTerprise
Matruchus: And Oldies weekend promo just started:
Does anyone recommend Redline and the Journeyman Project series?
The_Blog: There is no Round 4 though.
But what will happen if the Fresh Round 3 is still going when the Seasoned games run out?
Speculations on a postcard, please. ;)

A round 4?
A best of Sale?
The Witcher 3 for 90% off?
A lucky person to get a "massive crit" and win every game on the catalogue?
Insomnia for more films?
Mister-Gosh: Wasn't there someone waiting for Cleopatra? Can't find the post :-(
Tannath: He got it. And went to sleep. ;)

Thanks for having tracking/bothered of this for him :)
The_Blog: There is no Round 4 though.
Getcomposted: But what will happen if the Fresh Round 3 is still going when the Seasoned games run out?
Speculations on a postcard, please. ;)

A round 4?
A best of Sale?
The Witcher 3 for 90% off?
A lucky person to get a "massive crit" and win every game on the catalogue?
Insomnia for more films?
Any of these would be an actual deus ex machina ;)
Was Planescape torment in this promo ?
bogumillaska: Was Planescape torment in this promo ?
While we wait for Keanopatra + Keanaoh...
Last 2 hours to back Underworld Ascendant!
bogumillaska: Was Planescape torment in this promo ?
Sorry, no.
But, there are always sales for it, so just wait a bit and it will eventually turn up. :)