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Boilais: 20th Anniversary Edition of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 8,09€

I was gonna say Jack Keane sends his regards, but it is selling faster than I would have thought.
They always do... at first.
advancedhero: Here is better picture for what I'm experiencing. The games look like no one bought any yet, and I couldn't log in from there. Is this just me?
calicogamer: Mine's like that a bit, I can't get graphics to load though. It's lke the stylesheet isn't working anymore on the front page. It started about two or three seasoned games ago
I had that one, too, on the second day. I have no idea of what caused it, and it simply passed after an hour or so. On my mobile it was loading fine.

Well, I said I would have stopped right *after* Realms of the Haunting, right? XD
How did the new Gabriel Knight voiceovers turn out?

I'm not going to buy the new GK in this sale at this discount, but it's definitely on my radar for when it hits 75% off or more.

I was so disappointed when I heard that they couldn't just plug the old voices into the new game, but I'm curious whether the new ones did the game justice...
high rated
Here's a new one for me. I guess I finally have enough games that even GOG can't count them. I'm infinitely spinning on my shelf...

EDIT: It had lasted most of the day, but isn't happening now.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by budejovice
Boilais: 20th Anniversary Edition of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 8,09€

I was gonna say Jack Keane sends his regards, but it is selling faster than I would have thought.
Do NOT compare GK to Keane! :P
That's like comparing Jack Nicholson to Pauly Shore.
So what's the keanest game so far? (i.e. the game that took the longest to sell)
artakserkso: I was wishing for a crit on something like Banished, X-Wing or Dragonfall, but got this instead. :-D

Anyway, check you pm. ;-)
astroclay: Ahh, this is great! Thank You! I know its not something you were specifically looking for, but do you want a gift code for Wasteland 1? I got a crit for it yesterday and it doesn't really look like my cup of tea.
Nah, thanks, only those games plus strategy games is what I am interested in.

But feel free to pay it forward. ;-)
Getcomposted: *Sigh*
I suppose every time one of the games I'm waiting doesn't come round increases the chances that next time it might... ;)
The vicious cycle of the Insomnia Sale.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ALH
Fresh deals left in 2nd round:
FTL: Advanced Edition (-75%)
Halfway (-70%)
Last Federation, The (-75%)
QUBE Director's Cut (-80%)
Raven, The: Legacy of a Master Thief (-85%)
Rayman Origins (-75%)
Gabirl Knight may take a while and Realms of the Haunting didn't go too fast last time either.
Gabriel Check: V next target halfway ^^
yyahoo: How did the new Gabriel Knight voiceovers turn out?

I'm not going to buy the new GK in this sale at this discount, but it's definitely on my radar for when it hits 75% off or more.

I was so disappointed when I heard that they couldn't just plug the old voices into the new game, but I'm curious whether the new ones did the game justice...
One of the first reviews on the game's page discusses that exact point. Not sure if it covers in detail or not (can't remember), but it compared the old version to the new if that helps.
Pyragor: Hi !
I am new on these sales. I understand that there are some critics for free sometimes.
But what are those rounds, etc ?

Moreover, i notice that Wasteland was on sales 3 days ago. Any chance of coming back or I just lose my time ?
Thanks by advance :)
Free copies a random and rare you get them by clicking "Buy now" button on the main page. If you get a freebie the resulting window should tell you; if you don't get a freebie you can click the back button if you don't want the game. Repeating this process on the same game does not give you another chance to get one (1 chance per game appearance).
Wasteland 1 still has one more appearance to make.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by MissFable
ViktorDavion: Gabriel Check: V next target halfway ^^
Get out of my head!
Pyragor: Hi !
I am new on these sales. I understand that there are some critics for free sometimes.
But what are those rounds, etc ?

Moreover, i notice that Wasteland was on sales 3 days ago. Any chance of coming back or I just lose my time ?
Thanks by advance :)
Every game goes on sale for three times in three rounds. When the first round is completed the list resets itself and the same games go on sale again in random order. The same for round three.

There are two Insomnia promos on -> Seasoned and Fresh. In both promos games go in three rounds as said.

We are in round three for seasoned (older gog classics games) and in round two for fresh (more expensive but newer games).

Wasteland will come once more if im not mistaken.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Matruchus