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Prohzac: Stronghold HD might take a while. I think I've found some courage to take a shower. ;)
But you might melt and wash down the drain! Don't risk it!
truhlik: Oh. Shadowrun? Should I buy this or rather start with Returns. Thanks for advice.
Dragonfall is by far the better game.

I got them together during the winter sale & I would recommend playing Returns first. It's a better intro to the Shadowrun universe; there's a lot more basic exposition where Dragonfall is more focused to local themes.

Also the difficulty is lower so it's better to learn the fundamental game mechanics. There is no respec. Summoned Spirits/Drones take a move from their player. Hit rates can be frustratingly low without the Aim spell.
sithocan: What does "swing and a miss" notification mean?
Critical failure. You lost one of your games.
I'm interested in Stronghold HD but I would like to know if the following is true about the game:
I was thrilled to get my hands on this, yet there are reasons behind my rating. First, why do I have to choose between a combat and economic based game? I was under the impression this game included both at the same time. I read tons of reviews and no mention of that.
Source: LordKurt's review on page 11.
The bug with games at 4.39€ showing up as expired gets me every time. I always think I got a Freebie. Cue harsh disappointment.
Prohzac: wow only 50? That's odd in comparison to 1200 Indies.
wizardofid: and I managed to get a crit on hogs of war :p
me too....
but it's a good game?
sithocan: What does "swing and a miss" notification mean?
It's a glitch that affects all games priced USD$4.89, but only in some countries. You can still check out normally.

The glitch really slows down purchasing, because people back out when they see the error. GOG really should have removed this by now.
sithocan: What does "swing and a miss" notification mean?
No copies left. Just a bug. Refresh the payment page.
sithocan: What does "swing and a miss" notification mean?
NOrmally, that you clicked too late and missed the promo. Freedom Planet seems to be having an issue of giving fake nbotes right now, much like Piers solar did a couple of days ago. You should still see the price discounted to the right, though, and can by it at the sale price if you continue
sithocan: What does "swing and a miss" notification mean?
That's a bug going around right now. as long as it's still giving you the discounted price don't worry about it.
wizardofid: Sent you a nice $20 prezzie for being awesome :) thanks again :D
zeneve: Thank you very much. But it's really not necessary. I just bought it yesterday to give it away to someone who missed it following the example of all the nice and generous people here.
No issues I have had a total of 5 keys, to give away, you have no idea how hard it is to give away game dev software :P
Have 1 key spare, to keep for a rainy day
sithocan: What does "swing and a miss" notification mean?
It could be one of two things:

You're too late, all copies have been sold.

A bug, just check underneath to see if it is at the sale price or regular. You can proceed and buy it at the sale price if it is the price indicated.
Crol3993: Hum...if that's true then you are probably right.
...anyway Broken Age is gone now so....I won't have to decide to support him or not.
MarkoH01: Hmmmm...I am buying a game and not the man and as long as giving the man some money through buying the game does not lead to the fact that he can kill several people I don't really care what type of character he is or how bad he is in spending a budget. I am also not sure if something which is posted here about what he said is not just a kind of Tims bad humor? Anyway if I want to have and play a game I will buy it - just MY opinion. I am also no fan of scientology but I still watch Tom Cruise movies (and several others). This should not lead to a political discussion. I am just th eopinion that the game and the person ae two things. Of course everybody would have to decide this for him-/herself.
Not wanting to discuss this here, just genuinely interested:
Would you give money to a child molester, if he made a really awesome game?
Or is the degree of asympathy affecting those decision and your statement isn't as general as it looks?
I could understand all three views (doesn't affect / depends / highly affects willingness to give money for delivered stuff).
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Thanks all for advices. Hope I'll manage get Returns also.
Does Freedom Planet remind anyone else of Sonic? Maybe its the animation..