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LiefLayer: try a pizza bismark with a beer.
(it's a margherita with:mozzarella, ham and fried egg)
Maxvorstadt: Well, sounds more like pizza Churchill!
what?.... in Italy I've never heard that pizza
Russonc: I we on Fresh round 3 yet (or is Fresh still round 2)? Thanks... I'm at work or I'd search a bit more to figure this out.
Still in Round 2.
jakob187: Roll me a d20. Don't lie about your roll please.
14. Thank goodness my charisma is a 3.
Dajjer: [snip]
Tekkaman-James: Oh, that's a bummer. All the more reason to give it a pass for now. It'll show up one more time anyway, so I've got time to think about it.

Thanks for all of the responses, everyone! I appreciate them all very much!
Don't be bummed. Risen is a good game and well worth the GOG regular price let alone the sales price. You will get your monies worth. And have dozens of hours of RPG goodness. I have played all the Risens and Gothics and Witchers. They are ALL great games and worth playing in my book. And when ever you can get them for less than 3 bucks they should be snatched up.

Even if you have it on STEAM.

I'm hardcore about the games I love.
ElTerprise: Still in Round 2.

and to Geralt_of_Rivia as well..
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Russonc
bew1977: I love waiting 45 minutes only for the person to cancel the meeting
The lesson here is: No Meetings
mcleodone: ah and there are sausages also! (dips one into marmelade)
Maxvorstadt: Eeeek, marmalade! Better try the mustard. Or better yet, try white sausages with sweet mustard and a pretzel.
And this is typical for Bavaria not for whole Germany.
(I always wanted to clear that up for the rest of the world) ;)
Man, this is the 3rd time I see LBA1, but I just want ...

The games always seem to come at nearly the same time of day, so depending on your time zone you either see a game 3 times or you miss it 3 times.
Russonc: I we on Fresh round 3 yet (or is Fresh still round 2)? Thanks... I'm at work or I'd search a bit more to figure this out.
Fresh is still on round 2, if I am not mistaken.
bew1977: I love waiting 45 minutes only for the person to cancel the meeting.

Did I miss it?
It was Pharao and Cleopatrah, right?

It didn't show up yet.
bler144: Having played Gothic, I'd say on the one hand you should absolutely buy Risen and keep the sale train moving!

But more practically, it seems like their games show up on sale frequently, so I don't think you're missing much if you miss it this round. I'd also say the combat system probably isn't for everybody. Especially in the early going I believe they programmed it to be intentionally clunky, so that you'd "feel" the progression as you skill up. That may strike you as a cool design feature, or just needless frustration ;)
I'm probably one of the few who actually loved the controls of the first Gothic (once I got used to them). I just don't understand why they didn't add native gamepad support.
And yes, the feeling of progression was really awesome - running from molerats in the beginning and beating up orc warriors without breaking a sweat (or taking any damage) in the end.
Does someone have a list, what games will follow?
I think my pig whistles S.O.S. ! Broken Age? Really? This is not Dragonfall!!!!!
::sigh:: I've seen LBA and so many others so many times. stupid sam and max game avoiding being on the time when im online and awake >_< Ah well I'll plunker down with a bag of chips and iced tea till noon. Then I gotta cal it quits cause need sleep for grave work. I'm surprised with how this sale has way more variety of games than last insomnia sale. Better format too.