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requested: Unfortunately we in germany aren't allowed to watch this vid. Sadly not because of the joystick^^
Use a VPN like the ZenMate Browser-Addon etc. It might help :)
IAmSinistar: My Double Insomnia haul so far:
Are these keys reserved?
If not, how do I go about buying/trading them with you?
I was happy to snatch a couple myself :D
Nice list, Sinistar!

Dead State has another round through the sales, right?
yyahoo: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Disney has not made $8 billion dollars in revenue off of Star Wars since they bought it 2 years ago. I'm thinking it will take at least 2 new movies, including home video sales, before they have a chance at making that much revenue on Lucas properties alone, perhaps much more. And those movies will cost a lot to make, so that's a lot of expense just to make that revenue... Disney's Lucas purchase was definitely a long term investment at that price.
apehater: i admit $8 billion is a huge amount of money. so you assume disney made a long time investment, that will get profitable after 5 or more years?
To be clear, the price paid for Lucas was $4 billion dollars. I referenced $8 billion since you spoke of bringing in more than double of the investment price.

It's very difficult to get a grasp on how much money is earned on a regular basis from existing Lucas products. What I think we can say with confidence is that you're not going to make up a $4 billion cost without new product and a couple movies are not going to earn you $4 billion dollars alone and even then there's significant additional cost to produce new product, especially a movie. If Disney has earned back the $4 billion alone in 5 years, I'd be surprised, let alone actually making a profit on the investment.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by yyahoo
Has Shadowrun: Dragonfall come up yet for second round? I was away for a couple hours and didn't have access to check the deals.
requested: Unfortunately we in germany aren't allowed to watch this vid. Sadly not because of the joystick^^
ElTerprise: Use a VPN like the ZenMate Browser-Addon etc. It might help :)
I wanted to set up that stuff for so long, just had no energy to search for a reliable, free and easy to use solution. I just can't be bothered. One day, when there's no Insomnia sale going on^^
Zojokkeli: Has Shadowrun: Dragonfall come up yet for second round? I was away for a couple hours and didn't have access to check the deals.
Nope. Banner Saga is Keaning for 2-3 hours now.
Jenkinz: Are these keys reserved?
If not, how do I go about buying/trading them with you?
They mostly go to folks I know well here who missed their chances, so they won't really be available until the sale ends. The remainder typically go into one of my giveaways.
Zojokkeli: Has Shadowrun: Dragonfall come up yet for second round? I was away for a couple hours and didn't have access to check the deals.
Nope, but allot of people are waiting for it including me ^^
Zojokkeli: Has Shadowrun: Dragonfall come up yet for second round?
Nope, waiting myself for it.
skeletonbow: Tonnes, here's what I've got:

Can't use the latter with these old games I doubt in any useful way, but I think I should be able to get the stick, throttle and rudders rolling with the Star Wars games fine.
Oh wow that's some snazzy looking hardware! It inspires me to want to play with one again.

Geralt_of_Rivia: But you are talking about joysticks. You do know what that literally translates to in German, right. ;-)
I had to add that last comment after reading yours Geralt :P
Yep joystick.... an now the famous blue/white german handlotion lay crying on the floor ^^
Games gifted so far
1. Shadowgate SE
2. Dead state
3. Medal of Honor
4. Battleworld Kronos x2
5. Shadowrun returns
6. X-wing x2
7. Banished x2
8. Hitman 3 contracts
9. Tie fighter
10. Vangers
11. Wasteland 2
12. Sam and max hit the road

Guess I've gifted 16 not 14 so far LOL

I have received as a gift it bought for me
1. Dead state
2. Doorkickers (gift)
3. AI war fleet command
4. A bird story

To give away is a long list that I will keep secret for the time being ;-)
astroclay: So lucky! I've already went well beyond my budget this sale and I was hoping for a crit on something like this. Enjoy it my friend!
artakserkso: I was wishing for a crit on something like Banished, X-Wing or Dragonfall, but got this instead. :-D

Anyway, check you pm. ;-)
Ahh, this is great! Thank You! I know its not something you were specifically looking for, but do you want a gift code for Wasteland 1? I got a crit for it yesterday and it doesn't really look like my cup of tea.