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Seasoned deal: Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (-50%) [1200]

Hmmm, no mention of Final chance or something similar.
1200 of Indiana Jones!
Shendue: Did you buy Gex?
stg83: I am guessing not as people would be more inclined to buy if it was titled Gox. :P
There are still Sudeki and Jade Empire that were ported from XBOX.
a Indy. Taa ta da daaa :)
1200 copies of Indy?
lol 1200 Indies that might take a while
1200??????? LOL
uuups 1200 of Indiana Jones - this will be our fate
What's gonna sell faster? 1200 copies of Indy, or ~90 copies of Grimrock?
Indiana Jones will go in 5 minutes.
huN73R: I'd be grateful if you could and send me what you want on steam.
Mister-Gosh: Ok, on it.
Was about to ask if I should grab a copy for him.
A generous (wo)man you are :)
high rated
eldav80: Did i miss Nox now ?
No, you did not. Check your PM.
Let this Keaning madness end already! This is not the LoG I'm looking for!
Indy getting the 400/800/1200 treatment in this sale...

5 minutes and 15 minutes needed the first two times, let's see how long this challenge lasts. ;)
Fesin: What's gonna sell faster? 1200 copies of Indy, or ~90 copies of Grimrock?
Without hesitation (and even if Grimrock is good) : Indy.