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Matruchus: When Grimrock stops Keaning then yes.
MaGo72: I really do not understand why Grimrock is Keaning it is an awesome game, like Dungeon Master with much much much better graphics, puzzles and a great atmosphere.
too many copies, I recon
OMG I blink and I miss NOx again!!!!!!!

Does anyone have a copy of Stronghold HD or NOx up for resale? The sad part of this whole thing is I used to have an original copy of NOx but the CD key was this gay little piece of paper in the box rather then printed on the CD case. Guess what I don't have anymore? Kind of like the CD keys for all my Never winter nights expansions
This is the end of the second cycle for Seasoned. All Seasoned games will now come around once more, possibly for the last time.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by IAmSinistar
hummer010: C'mon Grimrock, get moving. I've got a meeting in 20 minutes, and I don't want to miss Drox.
First Nox and now Drox, all you guys seem fixated on games with 'OX' in the title. ;)
Post edited March 04, 2015 by stg83
Uh-oh, Beyond Good and Evil x400? That's ambitious, even if it went really fast the first time around (with 200).
The_Blog: I am very scared of how much I actually paid this sale.
I did a quick calculation about half way through and was starting to get worried ^^ Since I am paying with Paypal and I am using debit card it takes about 2 days till the money is actually withdrawn from my bank account. I fear the day when the dust will settle down and I will see the teror that lies beneath...
Damn that last sentence sounded prettty cool :D
Believe me, if you have a wife or girlfriend you should already now begin to talk to her where she want to go in vacation and when she have time to test this new fantastic italian foodtemple with you...and that she definetely need of course some new pairs of shoes cause this year some different colors are modern.
Thanks for this effort ;)
Zeyes: That shows 3 minutes and 9 seconds.
I am aware. I already posted the correction.
The Grimrock market is saturated.
Matruchus: When Grimrock stops Keaning then yes.
MaGo72: I really do not understand why Grimrock is Keaning it is an awesome game, like Dungeon Master with much much much better graphics, puzzles and a great atmosphere.
Well, I liked Bloodwych more than Dungeon Master, but that was because of th better Magic system and the splitscreen mode. Basically both are the same and the beginning of 3d dungeoncrawling.
IAmSinistar: This is the end of the second cycle for Seasoned. All Seasoned games will now come around once more, possibly for the last time.
You just ruined my hopes of a good night's sleep.
huN73R: Can someone grab me a copy of Beyond Good and Evil? (I'll get you something of equal value on steam) I'd have posted in trading thread but there's more people active here.
It seems that will miss Shadowgate again. LoG c'mon.
How can you even consider call what is happening with LoG Keaning.
In Comparison, its super fast.

My Doctor told me, Keaning was a nice and healthy feature of the Insomnia-Sale. You could get some save sleep.
Oh, great, went to play Torchlight II on Steam for a couple of minutes and missed Nox on GOG.