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I can't take the wait for Nox anymore, I need to prepare me some food!
MaGo72: Wow, Shadow Man was gone fast,. I was just reading about the graphic mod, got back to GOG and King of the Dragon Pass is up. Seems the game is quite good.
Yes, it is. In this case it also has a good German dub (seldom, I know). I bought it on GOG set it to full HD and ws amazed how good it still looks and plays when you think about how old this game is. The German version is censored but there is a patch - or just play the original. You should really get it at this price.
Shendue: I know, i've bought KRZ, but user "bugamn" wrote that he lost Nox, which i found surprising since i didn't skip a single game in the last 12 hours and i never saw it.
hummer010: It was a joke. An evil joke.
I don't get it.
truhlik: Any clue that will be any kind prank from GOG on very end of sale? Like a ton of JK 2 games with 5% discount:)
Matruchus: Remember last year 10.000 Jack Keanes sold in less then a minute :)
Haha a nice joke they played on us. I think it switched to a much lower number after a short moment.
Post edited March 04, 2015 by MaGo72
HypersomniacLive: You could always ask IAmSinistar to share some of that sandwich you gave him with you. ;-D
None left. It went as quick as Legend of Grimrock 2 on Fresh. :)
truhlik: Any clue that will be any kind prank from GOG on very end of sale? Like a ton of JK 2 games with 5% discount:)
GOG did a JK prank in the previous Insomnia sale. It was like 10 or 20 of them for 80+% off. I doubt they'd copy the same joke again.
hello again all
if Im looking at the right list then i havent missed Xenonauts while at work! woohoo
Post edited March 04, 2015 by warpax
Leuff: This is my first ever post on GOG forums.

If King of Dragon Pass looks interesting to you - get it. The game is absolutely wonderful.

That's it ^^
HeHe good first one, maybe do some advertising also at steam forums..until NOX will come
- eh or wait with that until keane time
I clicked Legend of Grimrock & guess what?

It wasn't free.

Not ONE free game.

It's all a lie.
oldaperture: I love how every purchase feels like a good deed. I also hate it because the scheme to get my money is working.
This. 100x this.
Signal Ops Key!

Dachenko11: Just got my first critical hit: King of Dragon Pass! Downloading now!
Still up to your old tricks? Don't trust this one. I never forget a dodgy face :P
oldaperture: I love how every purchase feels like a good deed. I also hate it because the scheme to get my money is working.
Let the money flow through your wallet
Dachenko11: Just got my first critical hit: King of Dragon Pass! Downloading now!
The_Blog: HAHAHA downloading hahahahaha ... wait ... you are serious? YOu are actually going to paly something you bought? O.o
Why on earth would someone do that? HOW are we supposed to do that?

I mean, it's not like these games are actually playable, are they?


Are they?
truhlik: Any clue that will be any kind prank from GOG on very end of sale? Like a ton of JK 2 games with 5% discount:)
Matruchus: Remember last year 10.000 Jack Keanes sold in less then a minute :)
That was priceless.