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neverending nightmares is selling a bit .. slow :o looks like its sale might never end (:
Matruchus: Yes, less then 2/3 through.
bricbrac: Thanks
Also this tracker thread might be of use to you:
amrit9037: I have no money to buy anything so I am fully dependent on generous people!
BillyMaysFan59: With that kind of behavior, generous people might not be inclined to gift you anything. Just saying.
I most certainly would not.
the_voivod: Neverending Nightmares is just too darn expensive, even at promo price.
gamesfreak64: it is weird but it looks nice indeed, the price is a bit high even at promo, i agree
beiing and adventure the replay value is already lower then any rts or rpg or action/fighting game

i mean i replayed c&c and red alert games many many times even the jagged alliance , fallout commandos and more games like that.
Adventure usually have a goal (most games do) and once you seen it you wont come back for a long time.
Thats why is usually have action games/rpg cause these can be played even if you have finished them.
Broken Sword 1 has a replay value imho just because it is so beautifully made and I've always forgotten parts of it after about two years.

Otherwise: I fully agree.
I would like to buy Dreamfall but I would like to spend 5-7€ not more.
the_voivod: Neverending Nightmares is just too darn expensive, even at promo price.
gamesfreak64: it is weird but it looks nice indeed, the price is a bit high even at promo, i agree
beiing and adventure the replay value is already lower then any rts or rpg or action/fighting game

i mean i replayed c&c and red alert games many many times even the jagged alliance , fallout commandos and more games like that.
Adventure usually have a goal (most games do) and once you seen it you wont come back for a long time.
Thats why is usually have action games/rpg cause these can be played even if you have finished them.
The most replayability I got from an "adventure" was Stanley Parable. Or the three paths of Indiana Jones Atlantis.
The_Blog: I'm offline for about 2 hours now. See you later. Just write me a PM if you want something.
i understand , its around diner time here aswell (usually between 6pm and 7 or 7:30 pm)

i hope that the games i still want to buy in this promo wont show up during that period, i guess they will reapear after 11PM or while i am away.
Maxvorstadt: Hurry up guys, only a few copies of Age of Wonders Ii and Nerverending Nightmares are left! Buy and your wallet will not have to carry that much any more!
You should wrote that over Age of Wonders Ii and Neverending Nightmares reviews :D
Just got back on here for a little bit. Looks like Neverending Nightmares was around 40 copies? How long has it been up? I recall it was quite a while the first time at 100.
the_voivod: So when's Nox meant to roughly reappear? I'm here only really for Shadowgate at this point, but I'm interested in buying if only because it sold out so quickly time went backwards.
Nox could show up at any moment. The "Seasoned" category is hovering around the games that came out around the same time it did. Wasteland, Far Cry 2, and Gobliiins Pack are all due to reappear soon as well.
trentonlf: I most certainly would not.
yeah I guess that was an understatement. I wouldn't either.
Splatsch: I'm finally back, and it seems that I missed nothing I wanted :) (except Battle World Kronos who was in this round)
trentonlf: It seems Battle World Kronos is in your PM ;-)
Damn, are you Santa Claus? I mean... uhm... Man, the only thing that i REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted from this promo is a brand new Aston Martin Vanquish...
Has TIE Fighter come up again? I'm looking at this on my phone and it is hard to navigate.
5 more Nightmares to go.