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yoshino: My first critical hit on Dreamfall Chapters! yay!
DarkRiddle: Wow congratz! Best critical hit in the sale! :D
Just bought it myself ^_^ , it's going to be awesome!! :P
Meh, I'll wait till parts 2-5 are out. :)
Fantasysci5: Everyone seems to love Banished...can I ask why?
trentonlf: It's a unique city builder. The game draws you in and makes you care whether or not your people live.
This. It is refreshingly different from the usual fare, with a lot of realism yet also a lot of scope. It engages you with your inhabitants. And it has some fabulous mods as well.
Sylenall: I'm sure it's been posted many times, but can someone please share a complete list of what has been on sale?
yoshino: My first critical hit on Dreamfall Chapters! yay!
W00T!!! Very nice, enjoy!
gamingrn: Appears to be random throughout the sale of each game. If you press buy now, it may be granted to you by GOG, but most of the time it will simply take you to the checkout screen.
011284mm: Thank-you. Off to go mash the mouse then.
There's no use in doing it more than one time per game appearance. It's either the first click or nothing.
i picked up sudeki a few mins ago.. is it any good?
Is Dreamfall Chapters worth it and how much story do you need from the previous games.?
gamingrn: Appears to be random throughout the sale of each game. If you press buy now, it may be granted to you by GOG, but most of the time it will simply take you to the checkout screen.
011284mm: Thank-you. Off to go mash the mouse then.
Keep in mind that you only get one chance for a free copy for each game as it comes up (i.e. pressing back and trying again multiple times won't give a different result). Good luck.
toxicTom: Congrats!

And envy :-P

j0ekerr: Yes definitely lots of envy.

I'll just stay here, polishing my shotgun, while the front page decides to load.
Free gogbears for everyone - me too
anybody remember if they have added any new games to the 2nd and 3rd runs last insomnia?
IAmSinistar: Don't kick yourself too hard. I've clicked on basically everything I was around for and no luck. :)
Me, too. *shrugs* It's pretty hit-and-miss.

toxicTom: So you're the one bringing the GOG servers down.
Mahaha XD
abr_alex: Got a crit with Blocks That Matter. Is it any good?
No, not at all, it's utter rubbish, so bad it's toxic in fact, here let me generously take it off your hands.

My shotgun is looking mighty shiny at this point.
yoshino: My first critical hit on Dreamfall Chapters! yay!
A well placed critical hit, that is for sure.

Congrats :).
yoshino: My first critical hit on Dreamfall Chapters! yay!
DarkRiddle: Wow congratz! Best critical hit in the sale! :D
Just bought it myself ^_^ , it's going to be awesome!! :P
I have read about people getting Wasteland 2 as critical. That is another one. :)
I'm off for the night. Alarm goes in 7.5 hours and I'm not remotely prepared to go to bed.

Good night everybody!