Posted March 03, 2015

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted March 03, 2015

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted March 03, 2015
Hmmm, so we haven't rolled around to the start? Does that mean the games will come in a random order or that not all of them are being repeated?

Woodie Guthrie's Guitar!
Registered: Dec 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted March 03, 2015
Signal Ops - any good as a singleplayer experience?!

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States

on the Haunt
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States

Queso de Espacio
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted March 03, 2015
There is still hope that the Fresh list isn't on repeat yet.

Spoony Bard
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted March 03, 2015
so nothing more new today? and what time does the next new cycle begin?

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted March 03, 2015
Here's a (Steam) giveaway to help you through insomnia:
It has zero entries, so chances are good! lol~
It has zero entries, so chances are good! lol~

Cereal Killer
Registered: May 2014
From United States

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island
Posted March 03, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted March 03, 2015
Bad Mojo Redux (-80%) [250]
Great Battles Collector's Edition (-75%) [100]
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest (-75%) [150]
Labyrinth of Time, The (-75%) [100]
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption (-75%) [300]
Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (-60%) [250]
Sudeki (-75%) [200]
Seven Cities of Gold: Commemorative Edition (-75%) [100]
10 - Thunderscape (-75%) [100]
Riven: The Sequel to Myst (-75%) [200]
Vangers (-75%) [100]
STAR WARS: X-Wing Special Edition (-50%) [200]
Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut (-75%) [150]
The Black Mirror (-75%) [150] *
Battle Isle Platinum (-75%) [150]
Unreal Gold (-80%) [200]
11th Hour, The (-75%) [150]
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura (-75%) [350]
20 - Theme Park (-75%) [250]
Corsairs Gold (-75%) [150]
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (-50%) [400]
Dark Reign + Expansion (-75%) [150]
Wizardry 8 (-80%) [200]
Little Big Adventure (-75%) [150]
Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall (-75%) [100]
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (-50%) [300]
Witcher: Enhanced Edition, The (-85%) [350]
Haegemonia Gold Edition (-80%) [150]
30 - The Last Express (-75%) [200]
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (-80%) [150]
Hogs of War (-75%) [150]
Knight and Merchants - The Peasants Rebellion (-75%) [150]
Dracula Trilogy (-80%) [150]
Stronghold HD (-75%) [250]
Little Big Adventure 2 (-75%) [150]
Realms of the Haunting (-75%) [150]
Return to Mysterious Island (-80%) [150]
Deus Ex GOTY Edition (-75%) [350]
40 - Septerra Core (-75%) [100]
Sam and Max Hit The Road (-50%) [400]
Wacky Wheels (-75%) [150]
7th Guest (-75%) [150]
Tomb Raider 1-3 (-70%) [150]
Uplink (-75%) [100]
Uru Complete Chronicles (-80%) [150]
Worms 2 (-75%) [150]
Age of Wonders 2 The Wizard's Throne (-67%) [100]
Wasteland (-75%) [100]
50 - Far Cry 2 Fortune's Edition (-75%) [150]
Gobliiins Pack (-75%) [150]
Hitman Contracts (-80%) [150]
Nexus - The Jupiter Incident (-80%) [200]
Nox (-75%) [150]
Red Faction (-80%) [150]
Beyond Good and Evil (-75%) [200]
Return to Krondor (-75%) [100]
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (-80%) [150]
TIE Fighter Special Edition (-50%) [200]
60 - Bard's Tale (-80%) [150]
Two Worlds Epic Edition (-80%) [150]
Black Mirror 2 (-75%) [150]
Wizardry 6 & 7 (-75%) [100]
Children of the Nile Complete (-80%) [150]
Clive Barker's Undying (-75%) [150]
Heretic Kingdoms The Inquisition (-75%) [150]
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (-80%) [150]
Legend of Kyrandia Book One (-75%) [150]
Myst Masterpiece Edition (-65%) [150]
70 - Spellforce Platinum (-80%) [200]
Gex (-67%) [150]
Jade Empire: Special Edition (-75%) [300]
King of Dragon Pass (-75%) [250]
Pharoah and Cleopatra (-75%) [400]
Darkstone (-75%) [100]
Shadow Man (-75%) [100]
Spycraft The Great Game (-75%) [100]
Red Faction 2 (-80%) [150]
Driftmoon (-85%) [200]
Pixeljunk Shooter (-85%) [100]
Sir, You Are Being Hunted (-80%) [150]
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (-60%) [200]
Battle Worlds: Kronos (-80%) [150]
Among the Sleep (-67%) [100]
Blocks That Matter (-70%) [100]
Shadowrun Returns (-80%) [350]
Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass - Special Edition (-60%) [150]
10 - Braveland Wizard (-50%) [100]
Capsized (-80%) [100]
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms (-60%) [150]
Defender's Quest (-85%) [100]
Desktop Dungeon (-67%) [200]
Ink {movie} (-50%) [100]
Wasteland 2 Digital Classic Edition (-60%) [200]
Spacecom (-75%) [100]
Aarklash Legacy (-80%) [200]
Hammerwatch (-75%) [150]
20 - Banished (-70%) [300]
Lumino City (-50%) [100]
Anomaly 2 (-75%) [150]
Legend of Grimrock II (-50%) [200]
Metrocide (-60%) [100]
Alan Wake (-85%) [100]
Kentucky Route Zero Season Pass (-60%) [150]
Strike Suit Zero Director's Cut (-80%) [150]
Torchlight (-85%) [150]
Neverending Nightmare (-50%) [100]
30 - MIND: Path to Thalamus (-75%) [150]
AI War Collection (-80%) [150]
Story About My Uncle, A (-80%) [100]
The Frame {movie} (-50%) [100]
Papers, Please (-75%) [350]
Age of Wonders 3 Deluxe Edition (-67%) [150]
Quest for Infamy (-80%) [200]
Dead State (-67%) [150]
Teslagrad (-75%) [200]
Two Worlds 2 Epic Edition (-85%) [200]
40 - Consortium Master Edition (-80%) [200]
Angry Video Game Nerd The Movie (-50%) [150]
Sacred 2 Gold (-80%) [150]
Door Kickers (-60%) [150]
Mousecraft (-70%) [100]
Pixeljunk Monsters HD (-85%) [100]
Mark of the Ninja Special Edition (-80%) [200]
Alan Wake's American Nightmare (-85%) [100]
Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition (-85%) [350]
Smugglers V (-80%) [100]
50 - Tetrobot and Co. (-75%) [100]
Xenonauts (-60%) [200]
Anomaly Defenders (-75%) [100]
Drox Operative (-75%) [150]
The Gamers - Dorkness Rising (-75%) [150]
A Bird Story (-60%) [150]
Cognition GOTY Edition (-80%) [150]
Astebreed (-75%) [100]
Din's Curse (-75%) [200]
Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition (-60%) [200]
60 - Freedom Planet (-67%) [150]
Raven, The: Legacy of a Master Thief (-85%) [100]
Inquisitor (-85%) [150]
Terraria (-80%) [300]
QUBE Director's Cut (-80%) [100]
Pier Solar (-67%) [200]
Risen (-80%) [200]
Broken Age Season Pass (-67%) [200]
Last Federation (-75%) [200]
Rayman Origins (-75%) [200]
70 - Legend of Grimrock (-80%) [250]
Signal Ops (-85%) [100]
FTL Advanced Edition (-75%) [300]
Bad Mojo Redux (-80%) [250]
Great Battles Collector's Edition (-75%) [100]
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest (-75%) [150]
Labyrinth of Time, The (-75%) [100]
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption (-75%) [300]
Monster Bash (-75%) [100]
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (-60%) [250]
Sudeki (-75%) [200]
Seven Cities of Gold: Commemorative Edition (-75%) [100]
10 - Thunderscape (-75%) [100]
Riven: The Sequel to Myst (-75%) [200]
Vangers (-75%) [100]
STAR WARS: X-Wing Special Edition (-50%) [200]
Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut (-75%) [150]
The Black Mirror (-75%) [150] *
Battle Isle Platinum (-75%) [150]
Unreal Gold (-80%) [200]
11th Hour, The (-75%) [150]
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura (-75%) [350]
20 - Theme Park (-75%) [250]
Corsairs Gold (-75%) [150]
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (-50%) [400]
Dark Reign + Expansion (-75%) [150]
Wizardry 8 (-80%) [200]
Little Big Adventure (-75%) [150]
Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall (-75%) [100]
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (-50%) [300]
Witcher: Enhanced Edition, The (-85%) [350]
Haegemonia Gold Edition (-80%) [150]
30 - The Last Express (-75%) [200]
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (-80%) [150]
Hogs of War (-75%) [150]
Knight and Merchants - The Peasants Rebellion (-75%) [150]
Dracula Trilogy (-80%) [150]
Stronghold HD (-75%) [250]
Little Big Adventure 2 (-75%) [150]
Realms of the Haunting (-75%) [150]
Return to Mysterious Island (-80%) [150]
Deus Ex GOTY Edition (-75%) [350]
40 - Septerra Core (-75%) [100]
Sam and Max Hit The Road (-50%) [400]
Wacky Wheels (-75%) [150]
7th Guest (-75%) [150]
Tomb Raider 1-3 (-70%) [150]
Uplink (-75%) [100]
Uru Complete Chronicles (-80%) [150]
Worms 2 (-75%) [150]
Age of Wonders 2 The Wizard's Throne (-67%) [100]
Wasteland (-75%) [100]
50 - Far Cry 2 Fortune's Edition (-75%) [150]
Gobliiins Pack (-75%) [150]
Hitman Contracts (-80%) [150]
Nexus - The Jupiter Incident (-80%) [200]
Nox (-75%) [150]
Red Faction (-80%) [150]
Beyond Good and Evil (-75%) [200]
Return to Krondor (-75%) [100]
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (-80%) [150]
TIE Fighter Special Edition (-50%) [200]
60 - Bard's Tale (-80%) [150]
Two Worlds Epic Edition (-80%) [150]
Black Mirror 2 (-75%) [150]
Wizardry 6 & 7 (-75%) [100]
Children of the Nile Complete (-80%) [150]
Clive Barker's Undying (-75%) [150]
Heretic Kingdoms The Inquisition (-75%) [150]
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (-80%) [150]
Legend of Kyrandia Book One (-75%) [150]
Myst Masterpiece Edition (-65%) [150]
70 - Spellforce Platinum (-80%) [200]
Gex (-67%) [150]
Jade Empire: Special Edition (-75%) [300]
King of Dragon Pass (-75%) [250]
Pharoah and Cleopatra (-75%) [400]
Darkstone (-75%) [100]
Shadow Man (-75%) [100]
Spycraft The Great Game (-75%) [100]
Red Faction 2 (-80%) [150]
Driftmoon (-85%) [200]
Pixeljunk Shooter (-85%) [100]
Sir, You Are Being Hunted (-80%) [150]
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (-60%) [200]
Battle Worlds: Kronos (-80%) [150]
Among the Sleep (-67%) [100]
Blocks That Matter (-70%) [100]
Shadowrun Returns (-80%) [350]
Dreamfall Chapters Season Pass - Special Edition (-60%) [150]
10 - Braveland Wizard (-50%) [100]
Capsized (-80%) [100]
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms (-60%) [150]
Defender's Quest (-85%) [100]
Desktop Dungeon (-67%) [200]
Ink {movie} (-50%) [100]
Wasteland 2 Digital Classic Edition (-60%) [200]
Spacecom (-75%) [100]
Aarklash Legacy (-80%) [200]
Hammerwatch (-75%) [150]
20 - Banished (-70%) [300]
Lumino City (-50%) [100]
Anomaly 2 (-75%) [150]
Legend of Grimrock II (-50%) [200]
Metrocide (-60%) [100]
Alan Wake (-85%) [100]
Kentucky Route Zero Season Pass (-60%) [150]
Strike Suit Zero Director's Cut (-80%) [150]
Torchlight (-85%) [150]
Neverending Nightmare (-50%) [100]
30 - MIND: Path to Thalamus (-75%) [150]
AI War Collection (-80%) [150]
Story About My Uncle, A (-80%) [100]
The Frame {movie} (-50%) [100]
Papers, Please (-75%) [350]
Age of Wonders 3 Deluxe Edition (-67%) [150]
Quest for Infamy (-80%) [200]
Dead State (-67%) [150]
Teslagrad (-75%) [200]
Two Worlds 2 Epic Edition (-85%) [200]
40 - Consortium Master Edition (-80%) [200]
Angry Video Game Nerd The Movie (-50%) [150]
Sacred 2 Gold (-80%) [150]
Door Kickers (-60%) [150]
Mousecraft (-70%) [100]
Pixeljunk Monsters HD (-85%) [100]
Mark of the Ninja Special Edition (-80%) [200]
Alan Wake's American Nightmare (-85%) [100]
Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition (-85%) [350]
Smugglers V (-80%) [100]
50 - Tetrobot and Co. (-75%) [100]
Xenonauts (-60%) [200]
Anomaly Defenders (-75%) [100]
Drox Operative (-75%) [150]
The Gamers - Dorkness Rising (-75%) [150]
A Bird Story (-60%) [150]
Cognition GOTY Edition (-80%) [150]
Astebreed (-75%) [100]
Din's Curse (-75%) [200]
Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition (-60%) [200]
60 - Freedom Planet (-67%) [150]
Raven, The: Legacy of a Master Thief (-85%) [100]
Inquisitor (-85%) [150]
Terraria (-80%) [300]
QUBE Director's Cut (-80%) [100]
Pier Solar (-67%) [200]
Risen (-80%) [200]
Broken Age Season Pass (-67%) [200]
Last Federation (-75%) [200]
Rayman Origins (-75%) [200]
70 - Legend of Grimrock (-80%) [250]
Signal Ops (-85%) [100]
FTL Advanced Edition (-75%) [300]
Post edited March 03, 2015 by CarrionCrow

White Owl
Registered: Feb 2014
From Portugal

I like games
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States